Can AI be intuitive?

Sankalp Shangari
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018

Prospects of Artificial Intelligence becoming generative are viewed in positive light. However, machine adopting human cognition and instincts continues to remain under speculations at the moment.

The primary characteristic of human cognitive abilities-Intuition enables them to take precise decisions based on incomplete knowledge. In living beings, this ability is developed by employing attentive capabilities and comprehending one’s surroundings followed by the ability to remember events and identify a pattern between environmental occurrences.

There have been instances in history that manifests the implications of human Intuition. One exceptional example of demonstration of human intuition in conjunction with cognitive reasoning was seen on September 26, 1983. The computers of top-secret installation of Soviet Union started flashing warning signs of a nuclear attack initiated by the West. The officers in charge had mere 10 minutes to act while the screens showed 5 nuclear missiles heading towards the Russian continent.

Colonel Stanislav Petrov was confronted by a decision that would shape the future of mankind. He could choose to comply with the Protocol and ‘retaliate’ based on the information provided by a ‘brainless’ computer. Or he could acknowledge his instincts and deem the alarm as false. Needless to tell, he ignored the warnings. His cognitive rationalities suggested against believing in a country initiating a war with just 5 nuclear missiles. Human intelligence superseded mechanical understanding saving the world from witnessing yet another World war.

If the decision was left on the sole discretion of computers, world would have been pushed into a dark age. Machines can be entrusted as decision making authority only if they possess intuitive capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence-the technology of 21st century is believed to perform tasks and exhibit characteristics that were only displayed by humans till now. However, the question remains, “Can Artificial Intelligence become intuitive?”

Artificial Intelligence exhibit cognitive attributes of unbiased observation, persistent cognizance of its environment and identifying patterns between different occurrences. These are analogous to the elements of intuition namely, information processing, pattern recognition and pattern matching. Scientists surmise in the potential of Artificial Intelligence to develop intuitive capabilities.

This will be in addition to its prevalent proficiency in employing it’s acquired knowledge to devise a course of action that results in the achievement of a desired goal.

The said capabilities accelerate the evolution of Artificial Intelligence. Scientists have managed to endow Artificial intelligence with reasoning. Deep Mind alpha Go is one such example of a machine that is accredited with defeating the world’s best players in the game of GO.

The game is believed to have number of possible moves greater than the total number of stars in Milky Way Galaxy. Winning this game requires deep insights, intuition, reasoning and strategy development. Training a machine to play with as well as defeat humans is a major milestone in developing reasoning in AI.

Creating congruence between AI and Blockchain can further escalate intuitive development in AI. A global decentralized platform that amalgamates every AI can make instant data transfer between AIs a possibility. Uploading the acquired data of AI on Blockchain will allow all the AIs to learn different skills and conditioning simultaneously.

For example, if an AI learns Piano in Japan, parallel to another AI which is learning cooking in Italy, they’ll both acquire the mentioned skills at the same time. This is because of continuous updating of information on Blockchain network by the two AIs linked to it. The information uploaded by one AI will be validated and stored in all the other AIs.

Individual AIs will be able to learn the response of differing stimulus concentrated to a particular environment in a particular region. However, they’ll also be conversant of the response to other stimulus present in a different location without having to experience it personally.

The world will witness a huge network of artificial intelligence that’ll showcase intuitive and reasoning capabilities due to the abundance of data gathered from all corners of the world. But, the question that we need to ask ourselves is “Can we trust the intuition of artificial intelligence?”



Sankalp Shangari

Investment banker turned tech entrepreneur and investor. Author, speaker, angel investor