Human Evolution: Is it possible in conjunction with AI?

Sankalp Shangari
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2018

Human brain is often referred to as “crowning achievement of evolution” by many scientists. Presently, a human brain is generative, intuitive, perceptive, rational, creative and empathetic that is capable of making calculative, practical and result-generating decisions.

But, are we heading any further with this evolution? Is there more to the capabilities of human brain that can cooperate with the complexities of present and future world?

As rightly said by Howard Hughes, “Human brain is still undergoing rapid adaptive evolution”.

However, this time, the evolution is not entirely biological. This time the evolution is aided by the product of human brain functions- Artificial Intelligence.

Technology did not sprout out of soil and spread out its branches one fine day to make human lives easier. It is an outcome of human tendency to create things that make their everyday tasks easier. Despite this, technology is feared by several people, commonly referred to as technophobes.

Technophobes collectively condemn technological advancements and its widespread acceptance. Its implications are discouraged as a result of the belief that it will eventually omit the need of humans in several industries causing them to lose their jobs.

As proved by history, this dystopia never ensued and technology has proved itself to be the tool that enhances human functions and provides assistance to complete impossible tasks. Its further development only opens door to a world of augmentation.

21st century has proved itself as the era of new technologies. Birth of Artificial Intelligence is the product of this century. In theory, AI is referred to replication of characteristics of human intelligence like visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation by machines.

AI uses algorithms which are basically solution to certain problems. With continuous addition of these algorithms, an AI network evolves and becomes smarter. It can then autonomously provide solution or perform actions that cater to problems that are similar to those present in its network.

This technology is already a part of our daily lives in the form of AI assistants like Alexa and Siri. However, these tools are passive. They perform general tasks commanded by individuals in the form of written or speech input. They are able to reveal existing data, information, visuals, etc. but are not capable of generating new things. We are looking at a future where AI tools will demonstrate generative qualities.

Imagine being an architect who is in possession of a generative AI computer that produces design solutions on its own on the basis of your commands. The said designs will be flawless due to AI generated algorithms used. In this manner, AI networks will be capable of autonomously completing tasks that are assigned to them, without incessant supervision of humans.

Artificial Intelligence will not supersede human intelligence, it’ll work in conjunction with it. Both will augment each other by conjoining their best attributes. Humans will employ their intuitive, empathetic, and perceptive trait to command AI tools which will carry out those orders to complete tasks by utilising their meticulous and repetitive nature.

Artificial Intelligence has great potential of evolving independently.

But, can its capabilities reach a point where it can make decisions based on its own intuition?



Sankalp Shangari

Investment banker turned tech entrepreneur and investor. Author, speaker, angel investor