App Idea: Recruit Volunteers to Fight Covid-19

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2 min readMar 15, 2020

Anders W. Nielsen, a visionary from Bergen, came up with an idea to build a platform to mobilize people who have gained immunity from Covid-19. The idea is to support healthcare providers and make sure we do not run out of helping hands.

I loved the idea and asked myself how would something like this look like? It was Friday night, 13th of March. I was listening to Corona new live on NRK and I started to design UI for the idea Anders described. Here’s the result:

Covid Help — Volunteer to fight the virus

Norway does not have control over the virus. Finland and UK are choosing the strategy of letting people become sick and gain immunity through that. Either way we are going to need more volunteers and volunteer coordinators at one point because nurses and doctors will get tired of working 18 hours a day if this will last for several months.

Here is Anders post on Twitter:

This idea became Wemunity project and they are now working on its MVP.

