Visions of Heaven — Mystic Verses of Saint Dadu Dayal, Rajasthan, India

Dadu was a great spiritual Master and Sant Satguru in the Sant Mat Tradition of India

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality


"At midnight, the moon and stars were visible, the Surat [soul] rose upwards like a yo-yo and the sky burst, and Surat crossed it.

"When the longing and yearning become keen, my Surat [hearing ability of the soul] and Nirat [seeing ability of the soul] reached the mansion and met the Beloved there, who bestowed great love; and the heaven opened up.

"I saw the beginning and the end of everything. But how I describe what I saw? The secret remains secret.

"Dadu says, 'I know this much that what I obtained was obtained by applying myself to spiritual endeavours. Nowhere else did I find the Truth. I am now relieved of the pain and suffering of recurrent birth and death.'"

— Dadu Saheb, Book of Sant Sangrah, Part 2



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

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