The Devotee Who Wishes Liberation Should First Practice the Nine-fold Devotion

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
2 min readMar 14, 2014


195. The devotees who have practiced the nine-fold devotion are the best of all. Now there is a description of each of the nine parts of the nine-fold devotion. Listen attentively to it.

196. The first part of devotion is to abolish doubt and illusion, and offer service and worship to the guru who shows you your true nature. The second part is to serve the religious or saintly people. And the third part is the repetition of the Eternal Name with love.

197. The fourth part of devotion is to listen very faithfully to teachings that awaken spiritual knowledge, and the fifth part is the removal of the influence of Maya (illusion and doubt) in your life.

198. Satyalok (Eternal Abode) is your true dwelling place where there is eternal bliss. The happiness of this world is transitory and false. Having the wisdom to know the difference is the sixth part of devotion. The seventh part of devotion is to always speak the truth just as you have seen or heard it.

199. The eighth part of devotion is to have equal vision towards all beings, and to know that the same soul dwells in all of them. Regard their happiness and suffering as you regard your own. The ninth part of devotion is to have nobility of character, so that your thoughts, words and deeds create no enmity with anyone. It is praiseworthy to have compassion, generosity and other noble conduct towards every being.

— Brahm Nirupan of Kabir



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

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