Maharshi Mehi Paramhans, a Sant Mat Master who lived to be 101

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
2 min readJul 29, 2017

The Goal of Meditation is having “direct knowledge and realization of one’s own Essential Nature as well as direct knowledge and realization of the Supreme Sovereign [God].” (Maharshi Mehi Paramhans)

“Through the practice of meditation one can progressively move the consciousness inward within oneself. In the beginning, the practice of subtle meditation is difficult to accomplish owing to its unfamiliarity. Through the initial practice of Manas Japa (repetition of mantra [simran]), the mind begins to focus. Then one progresses to the subtler practice of Manas Dhyan (the form of deity) and prepares for the subtle meditation. Subsequently, through Drshti Yoga [Inner Light Meditation] one practices one-pointedness. Finally, through the practice of Surat Shabda-Yoga (the Yoga of Sound [Meditation]) the transcending of all the realms is achieved.

“In conclusion, as has been stated the microcosm and macrocosm are interconnected as they are completely permeated by the realms described above. Likewise, to go beyond all the realms is to go beyond all concealments.” (Maharshi Mehi Paramhans, Philosophy of Liberation)

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Excerpt on Meditation Practice from, Philosophy of Liberation

“A comfortable asana (pose of sitting or posture) of keeping the head, neck and trunk straight and steady is a must for meditation. Without the ability to sit in such a steady posture for prolonged periods, meditation cannot be practiced.

“Meditation should be practiced being alert, without being drowsy, shutting the eyes comfortably and without turning the eyeballs or pressing them in any way.

“The practice of meditation should be an essential part of the practitioner’s daily routine. The preferred time of meditation is Brahma-Muhurta (very early in the morning: 3:00 A.M.). [The Sikhs call this peek spiritual time of the morning “Amrit Veela”, the Hour of Elixir.] Likewise one should meditate at mid-morning and then again in the evening time. While falling asleep, one should also engage his or her mind in meditation.“ ////////



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

This is a Living School of Spirituality: Sant Mat & Radhasoami: Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound of God: