Meditation, Inner Eye Focus, and, Meditation Dark Room

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
2 min readNov 21, 2017

“Meditation is the process of withdrawing the attention from the world outside, and focusing it at the seat of the soul in the body, behind and between the eyebrows. This point is known as the inner eye, third eye, the single eye… In order to withdraw our attention and focus it on this point, mind must be controlled and stilled. Sit in one pose, and move not your head, limbs or eyes. Sit straight but relaxed with no tension in the body below. Sit still, please. Close your eyes as in sleep, and look sweetly, lovingly, intently into the middle of the darkness lying in front of you. You will see a dark veil. That which sees the dark veil within, without the help of your physical eyes, is the inner eye.”

— Kirpal Singh

Meditation Dark Room

Meditating in a darkened room, at night or early morning, makes it easier to see the inner Light. Soamiji’s Special Room, A Mystical Meditation Room-Within-A-Room: “From childhood Soamiji Maharaj used to shut himself up in a small room which is at the back of another room on the ground floor of his house. For light and air there is a small aperture, otherwise no noise can reach within. This room still exists in a renovated form and is considered as one of the most sacred and hallowed of places.” (Biography/Jivan Charitar of Babuji Maharaj)



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

This is a Living School of Spirituality: Sant Mat & Radhasoami: Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound of God: