Mystic Verses of Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj, Sant Mat Tradition of India

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
2 min readMay 1, 2015

Meditate Sincerely. Success is All Yours. Verses of Swami Santsevi Ji Paramhans (translated into English by Pravesh K. Singh)

Practice meditation with sincerity; success is assured.

Worship your Guru Selflessly; the saviour is alongside.

Never ever discontinue or relinquish the ‘maanas jap’ (mental recitation of the sacred mantra given by the Guru); never ever discontinue or relinquish the ‘maanas dhyaan’ (visualizing the form of the Guru or venerated deity in the Inner Sky).

Fix your gaze at the Sushumna (the central and the most important one of the three principal or major yogic nerves inside; it plays an important role in the achievement of the Supreme Bliss); a black point is nearby (comes into sight).

A dark point is seen first; subsequently it converts into white.

Sparkling brilliant Light seen within ends the regime of darkness.

When the gaze is fixed at the Point (Refulgent Point viewed inside), a myriad of Sounds are also heard.

Transcending the Five Central Sounds, all the trappings of ‘maya’ (illusion) are shattered.

The Fifth Central Ineffable Sound (springing straight from God) takes its listener to the Lord.

Gone is all sense of duality; Gone is the fearful trap of the 84 (8.4 million species).

Forsake Me Never, O Guru, May I Never Forget You! Verses of Swami Santsevi Ji Paramhans (translated into English by Pravesh K. Singh)

O Lord Guru! Bless me with your devotion, this much is my prayer.|
Take me under your protection, this much is my prayer. ||

So fidgety is my mind, every moment is it engrossed in sensory objects. |
Rescue me into the safety of your feet, this much is my prayer. ||

Forsake me never, may I never forget you. |
Live in my heart for ever, this much is my prayer. ||

May I have no worldly cravings, may I set up my home in the Ajna Chakra. |
May my every breath be a song in prayer, this much is my prayer. ||

O Sweet Lord! May I never be a slave, to the six mental defilements. |
May I master all of these, this much is my prayer. ||

May my gaze be stilled in the Sushumna, may my Soul grasp the Primal Sound Current. |
May that guide me to the Highest State, this much is my prayer. ||

May your form be mine, may I acquire your form. |

Santsevi beseeches with folded hands, O Lord! Pay heed to my entreaty. |
Kindly snap the worldly fetters, this much is my prayer. ||



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

This is a Living School of Spirituality: Sant Mat & Radhasoami: Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound of God: