“One of the proofs that our Simran is being done correctly is that, in any kind of difficulty, we first remember Simran.” (Baba Ram Singh)

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
7 min readMay 22, 2021

Below You’ll Find:

A Waste of Life — Mystic Poetry Verses of Sant Charandas (1703–1782);

A Satsang Discourse by Baba Ram Singh Ji titled, Simran Does Not Come Automatically To Us Unless We Develop That Habit;

Also, scroll to the bottom for, A Note About *Simran, Simran defined;

Waste of Life — Mystic Verses of Sant Charandas (1703–1782)

Understand, O people,

understand when I proclaim loudly:

no one will remain here forever —

all will have to depart in the end.

Caught up in attachment for your family,

you ignored the worship of the Lord

and thus wasted your opportunity.

You spent the day working and the night in sleep -

this is how you have passed your years.

Every minute of the day you have wasted in vain.

Not even for a moment

did you *repeat the Lord’s Name.

How then will you find bliss?

As a child you remained lost in play.

In youth you were intoxicated with yourself.

In old age you were beset with worry,

and sorrows robbed you of all joy.

Why are you lost?

Be vigilant!

Kaal is standing over you with his arrow aimed at you.

He will draw his bow, shoot poisonous arrows

and tie you up before you know it.

Give up your attachment to this false world

and repeat the true Name.

Says Charandas: Sukdev (Charan Das’s Master) cautions you to

reflect on your own welfare!

— Saint Charandas

Sant Ram Singh Ji

Excerpts from: *Simran Does Not Come Automatically To Us Unless We Develop That Habit, by Baba Ram Singh Ji

The first step on the ladder of devotion is guru-bhakti — or the devotion of the Master. And devotion of the Master does not mean that we take some incense or some candles and light them and do such outward rituals. The devotion of the Master is, basically, doing our meditation, doing our Simran and Dhyan, and doing seva at the feet of the Master. These are the first steps on the path of devotion.

The Names that have been given to us at the time of initiation are the names of the Lords of the planes in the higher regions. These are the Lords Who have never taken an avatar and come into this world and They are very pure Lords. So, taking Their Name and repeating that in our mind makes the mind also pure.

So, *Simran is our first step on this ladder. Till we are able to do Simran to the level where it starts happening automatically in our mind, we will not be able to progress much on this Path. That is why Masters lay a lot of emphasis on Simran. And They say that you should do Simran when you’re cooking food, or you’re walking, or you’re traveling, or doing anything in a routine. You should do as much Simran as possible. It is Simran only that will take the attention of the soul and get it out of the nine doors and bring it into the Tenth Door. So, Simran is a very important thing and till we become good at that, we will not be able to progress much within.

The mind is prone to doing simran of the world and it does not like to do the Simran of the Naam that has been given by the Masters. So, every time we sit for trying to do Simran, the mind pulls us outwardly. It takes time to do this.

Initially, we have to forcefully do it because the mind is used to going outward. We have to force it to sit and do Simran. And it is a slow process because of the habit of the mind. One cannot say whether it will take a certain number of days or a certain number of months or years. But it takes a bit of time for the mind to get accustomed to this.

Initially, we repeat the Names with the tongue; and, silently, we repeat Them in the mouth with the tongue. Because we are used to repeating that way, it comes more easily to us. But later, we start repeating the Names in the mind. That is called jap. So, initially, this is done with the mouth, then consciously with the mind.

And then, when it becomes automatic in the mind, it is called ajapa. So, once the mind starts doing it automatically, then we will get successful and we will be able to quickly go within.

Therefore, we should try and spend more and more time doing Simran.

Swami Ji Maharaj warns us and awakens us, saying, “Our treasure is getting depleted with every breath, the biggest treasure that we have in this life is the treasure of the number of breaths that we can take in this life. And with each breath, we are losing and depleting that treasure.”

It is said that we will lose about 21,600 breaths every day — we take about fifteen breaths in a minute. And that way, in the whole day, nearly 21,600 breaths are lost to us from our current lifetime.

If we look back and think it through, then every minute we are losing fifteen breaths, and in a day, we are losing 21,600 breaths. Considering that, if we look at six months back or one year back, what is our remaining age today? If we look back, we should see how much breath we have just thrown away.

Kabir Sahib says, “Beating a drum, I say this repeatedly. With each breath, you are losing the value of three worlds.”

God Almighty has given you this lifetime and given you this precious opportunity, and this is the opportunity for you to get out of this ocean of life. Now, if we waste this in our mundane activities…

God sits in this human body and He has provided this opportunity to get a salvation and go back to Him. Now, if we have wasted this opportunity, we have wasted that opportunity that God Almighty Himself has created for us.

This Simran is given to you by True Masters. You should practice that Simran and focus at the Eye Center. The Masters have given it as the Simran for us to do. We have to do this Simran, and when we do that, we go to the Eye Center.

Once we are at the Eye Center, we manifest the Form of the Master and, with the Grace of the Master, the Sound Current is also manifested….

The Master Who has given you the initiation is waiting for you to come to the Eye Center. That much duty is ours. We have to go to the Eye Center following His instructions. After that, the Master will take you further…

By doing Simran you manifest the Form the Master within. And once you have manifested the Master within, He will always be there with you, every second. And then, the Sound Current, which is resonating at the Eye Center, will take you further up. And on the Path from one Sound Current to the other Sound Current, it will take you back to God Almighty.

Once you have manifested the Radiant Form of the Master within, then He extends His Grace to you. And all that you require, He takes care and fulfills all the things that you want, and He is always there with you — whether you go to America or you go to India or anywhere — He is always with you.

One of the proofs that our Simran is being done correctly is that, in any kind of difficulty, we first remember Simran. When we are facing some difficulty — even in a dream state — and we start remembering our Simran and we start doing Simran in that state, then you can say that your Simran is now on the right path and you are doing it correctly.

— Excerpts from: Simran Does Not Come Automatically To Us Unless We Develop That Habit, a Satsang Discourse by Baba Ram Singh Ji

* A Note About *Simran — The Power of Repeating God’s Name

Repeating a Name (or Names) of God with love and devotion, called in the east “Simran”, “Manas Jap”, or “Zikhr,” is one of the key spiritual exercises used to cultivate love for God and to invoke the Positive Power in our daily lives, making it possible to live a life of love. Simran is a mental repetition of a Name of God done during meditation, and this spiritual practice is also done during available moments throughout the day and night as a way to remember God all the time. Says Sant Tukarama:

“Such is God’s Name

that it heals the disease of the world.

Whosoever repeats the Lord’s Name

while engaged in earthly duties,

remains ever in a blissful state of divine communion.

One absorbed in the Lord’s Name, O Tuka,

has truly attained liberation while living.”

This spiritual exercise of repeating God’s Name helps to uplift our day, to bring some of the heaven and bliss of meditation into our down-to-earth daily experience, and is a way to remember in a world of forgetfulness, to remain awake in a world of spiritual slumber, to abide in Truth, no longer dominated by the forces of illusion. Be who you really are wherever you go.



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

This is a Living School of Spirituality: Sant Mat & Radhasoami: Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound of God: https://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com/sant-mat