Pay Less Attention to the Illusion and Focus Within to Find the Eternal

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
2 min readOct 7, 2017

“Our mind is connected to the senses and worldly objects. However, the soul is attached to the Divine. The sensory attractions are tainted and that is why the mind is material and unstable. The soul is pure and stable. God is pure and the soul connected with it is also pure and divine in nature. In impurity lies instability (distractions), and in purity lies stillness (tranquility). Therefore Sants guide us to attach our mind to the soul. Due to the association with the pure soul the mind can also gradually attain purity and stillness.

“For the purpose of keeping the mind steady many virtuous deeds are performed. True joy is hidden in the serenity of the mind. As the mind becomes still, so also joy and peace begin to arise. Only in the complete stillness of the mind, true delight and peace can be found. Today, in spite of the availability of worldly luxuries and entertainment, people are still seeking to attain true joy and eternal peace. This is due to the agitation of the mind. The Sants say that ignorant people of the world seek happiness in fleeting sensory pleasures and material things. Where there is no true peace there is no hope of attaining joy either. And where there is no true joy how can one hope to attain happiness? This is like looking for warmth in the snowy mountains or looking for coolness in a blazing fire.

“The soul is pure and therefore by nature still. Due to its stillness, the soul is eternal. Therefore, Lord Krishna advises that the mind should be connected to the soul. Self-realization is the objective and the goal of all human life. But where can we obtain this goal? The answer is within one’s heart. This is not the physical heart, but rather the heart of the inner Self. This is called, by the Sants, the yoga heart (innermost Self). It is in this space that the mind is linked to the soul. The Sants have described this place with many names such as: the “sky portal,” the “tenth gate,” “the point,” “window,” the “lotus flower,” “sushumna,” “ajna chakra,” “third eye,” “center of the eyebrows,” “tip of the nose,” “bindu,” etc…” (Swami Vyasanand, The Inward Journey of the Soul, Amazon Kindle e-book)



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

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