The Inner Sound in Meditation That Issues Forth From the Light at the Third Eye Center

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
1 min readMay 7, 2018

“The Unstruck Sounds of the material realm are pervading within the material creation. This is the reason some fortunate practitioners can hear the Divine Sound in meditation even in the realm of darkness. But generally, the Sound experience begins after one has accomplished focus on the subtle point in the Third Eye.

“The Formless pervades the form. The realm of Light is the manifestation of the form of the macro-cosmos (brahmanda). And the Sound is the Formless macrocosm. The practitioner who becomes accomplished in the Light realms begins to experience Divine Sound along with various Divine Light experiences.” (Swami Vyasanand)



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

This is a Living School of Spirituality: Sant Mat & Radhasoami: Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound of God: