The Power of Satsang (Inner and Outer Association With Eternal Truth)

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
3 min readJul 16, 2023

Hazur Baba Sawan Singh: “So far as circumstances allow, a devotee must give time to Satsang. Please devote some time daily without fail to Sound-practice and Repetition, as this is the only fruit of our life which we will take with us on leaving this world; whereas, even the kingships of this earth shall have to be abandoned when death overtakes us. Therefore, it is necessary that we should add to our spiritual wealth, which is the only thing to help us at the time of departing. And the only way to increase our spiritual power is by means of Sound-practice and Repetition. The greater our love for Holy Sound, the greater will be our peace of mind and spiritual progress. As far as possible, we should try to make the focus above the eyes, in the brain, our resting place. Just as a man, weary with the day’s work, resorts to his home to take rest, so we habituate our soul, on being tired with worldly work, to take rest in the Holy Sound. The attention has to be brought inside, and when it likes to rest there, like the wanderer coming home, it will find peace within.” (Spiritual Gems, from letter # 156)

Satsang: “Literally, ‘In Association with Truth’; to be in the company of the Truth of a Living Master; typically, outwardly, through hearing the Master’s discourses and receiving His Darshan; also, in the inner context, meaning to be absorbed in the inner Sound Current of Truth.”

Satsangi: “One, who is attending Satsang, inner or outer; an initiate of Surat Shabd Yoga.” (Glossary of Sant Mat Terms, 2023 edition)

Baba Ram Singh: “In Satsang only we come to know about the true purpose of this human life, of why we have been given this human body. And in Satsang only, we are able to increase our love and affection to God Almighty, to our Satguru.

“The words of the Master are pure and they are sublime. And when we listen to those words lovingly, that cuts a lot of our karmas also.

“Swami Ji Maharaj says, ‘When you listen to the Satsangs, you get motivated to do your devotion.’ And when you do your devotion, you do your Simran Bhajan, that also increases the love and affection that you have for the Master. And you develop those pangs of separation from the Satguru, from God Almighty, which help you go further within.

“Satsang is a great thing. And when we go to Satsangs, we come to know the true purpose of our life, the true purpose of this human body. We come to know about God Almighty and the Path to go towards God Almighty. And we come to know about the reality — what is the reality, what is falsehood — when we come to Satsang.

“So, when we continue on this path of devotion in the Satsangs, the attachments that we have for all these worldly matters, those attachments gradually start melting away. And the pangs of separation with God Almighty start increasing and our love and devotion for God Almighty increases.” (Baba Ram Singh, satsang discourses, volume 15)

Sant Tulsi Sahib says: “O Aspirant! Perform satsang by subduing the mind and taking refuge in saints. Keep in your heart a ceaseless burning desire to be at the feet (tutelage) of saints.”

Maharishi Mehi Paramahans Ji says: “Dear Aspirants! Each day strive to do both kinds of satsang: inner and outer. Outer satsang is listening to the teachings of great saints and studying the sacred texts. Inner satsang is the practice of one-pointed meditation.”

Yogi Panchanan Bhattacharya Ji says: “By association with a pure soul the mind becomes pure and the darkness of attachment is dispelled.”

In attending to these quotes from different saints it becomes clear that satsang is vital and very necessary for any serious spiritual seeker.



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

This is a Living School of Spirituality: Sant Mat & Radhasoami: Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound of God: