The Secret of Secrets: We Are Already In Heaven But Don’t Realize It

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality
5 min readFeb 10, 2015

One can say, the journey is far, that much of the inward journey remains to be traversed. There is however, another way of seeing this, whether experienced in meditation or not. Heaven may seem far, and yet, the Reality is that it is near — close by — in our midst, within us, even now, in the living present. Here’s something to rest upon and be inspired by: Whether we know it or not in our experience, the soul is already in Sach Khand, has always been in Sach Khand. There’s no other place for the soul to be other than the soul level (Sat Lok, Sach Khand, the true, eternal, timeless dwelling-place of all souls). We are (the soul is) wearing several coverings: physical, also subtle bodies: astral, causal, mental, and etheric. We have to contend with the outer distractions of the five senses, and yet, our true identity remains what it always has been: soul or spirit. One Master used the term “spirit-entity”. Sant Mat Meditation is about knowing this, experiencing this, shifting awareness from the other world to within. We are drops of consciousness from the Ocean of Love. We are already in heaven but don’t know it. And, as Rumi might say, this is “the Secret of Secrets”.

“The world has fallen in love with a dream.” (Kabir)

“When the mind becomes calm then the truth is revealed.” (Kabir)

“Hiding in this cage of visible matter
is the invisible life-bird.
Pay attention to her,
She is singing your song.” (Kabir)

“O Soul! Who are you and whence have you come? You are a ray from Purush (the Supreme Being) and an inhabitant of the purely Spiritual Region.” (Swami Ji Maharaj)

“The Supreme Being, being a boundless Ocean of Spirit or Love; and, human being, being a drop or current of spirit or love from this Ocean; and, love being the very essence and means of existence of the whole creation, it follows that no effort in any direction, temporal or spiritual, unless actuated by love or affectionate regard, can be crowned with success, and, the work or labour rendered easy, sweet and harmonious.” (Huzur Maharaj, Radhasoami Mat Prakash)

“The lover of God will cry and weep until he finds rest in the Beloved’s embrace.” (Rabia al-Adawiyya)

“Love is like a deep sea. Only that lover (of God) who will dive into it fearlessly shall be able to get the pearl of ultimate happiness in it. And one who will not be able to muster up enough courage to dive into it, shall remain sitting at the beach. He will remain without love in this world. How will he get the pearls of ultimate happiness then?” (Kabir 1008 Vani)

“Withdrawal from the world and repairing to the solitude would relieve your agony and tensions. You can find a most precious treasure on this earth itself but that is hidden in the secrecy of seclusion and solitude.” (Sarmad the Sufi Saint)

“There is a silence of the tongue. There is a silence of the whole body. There is a silence of the soul. There is a silence of the mind, and there is a silence of the spirit.” (Abraham of Nathpar, Syriac Mystic)

Go deeper
Past thoughts into silence.
Past silence into stillness.
Past stillness into the heart.
Let love consume all that is left of you.

“Within the innermost recesses, all spirituality is one and it has never undergone any division. Our spirituality or soul (Surat) is an emanation from the Supreme Being. Within the innermost recesses it is one with God.” (Discourses of Babuji Maharaj, Volume III)

“The essence of life is in remembering God.” (Kabir)

“If you can’t find where your soul is hidden,
for you the world will never be real!” (Kabir)

“The truth is, you turned away yourself,
and decided to go into the dark alone.
Now you are tangled up in others, and have forgotten what you once knew.” (Kabir)

Rumi: “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”

“From the Source of the Divine Ocean [God] opens a Portal to the Light. Awaken that resplendent Light within you….Repeat the name of the Lord and secure Him.” (Shabdavali of Sant Tulsi Sahib)

“Descend into your heart, and in it you will find the ladder which leads to the Kingdom of God.” (Saint Isaac the Syrian)

“By seeking the path within, one will go beyond the sensory realm…and will attain the State of Oneness.” (Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj)

“If you love truth, be a lover of silence. Silence, like the sunlight will illuminate you in God.” (Saint Isaac the Syrian)

“It is only by the grace of Radhasoami Dayal [Compassionate Lord of the Soul] that the disciple can cross this ocean of samsara easily.” (Huzur Maharaj, quoted in, The Guru In Indian Mysticism, by M.G. Gupta)

Japi Gobinda bisari jini jai

Do the repetition of God [God’s Name] and forget
Him not.
Fulfil the purpose of thy birth
by practicing concentration.
Be steadfast in the remembrance of God.
Practice meditation with love, and sing
the glory of God.
The human body is the door to salvation.
Do the repetitions of God, the Creator
of the universe.
(Sant Dadu Dayal)

Seek the Path Within You

O traveler! Seek the path that lies within you,
You and your Beloved are in the same body;
Your Beloved is pervading everywhere, but is not being perceived.
Those initiated by Guru are able to recognize Him within their bodies.
O traveler! If you wish to go alone on the path of the Lord,
Look for the path within and do not delay;
The four spheres of darkness, Light, Sound and Soundlessness —
They all lie within the temple of your body.
You stepped down to the darkness, but your Beloved is in the Sphere of Soundlessness;
Now you again go back to the Sphere of Soundlessness through the Tenth Door.
Pursuing the inner Light and practising the Yoga of Sound,
Listen to the orchestration of Sounds and closely watch the dazzling Light,
And go along the path where the five Sounds resonate;
Ascend up as you get drawn towards them.
Never imagine that there are other means of going to the Sphere of Soundlessness,
Without the Yoga of Vision and the Yoga of Sound.
Says Mehi, going along this path alone
Is the secret path to Divinity, as revealed by the Saints.
Catching the most subtle one amidst different Sounds,
Go along the solitary path lying within your body.

— Maharishi Mehi

Param Sant Tulsi Sahib, Saint of Hathras:

In this life the concept of salvation all
To meet the Lord by dying while living,
none discloses.
They all speak of the goal of salvation after
How to attain it while living, no one says.
Were they to reveal the method of attaining
release while living,
Then alone would Tulsi be convinced of
their words.

Who speak, after seeing with their own eyes,
And teach the method of salvation during
Are of the stage and stature of Saints,
For they reveal the quintessence of the soul.



Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality

This is a Living School of Spirituality: Sant Mat & Radhasoami: Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound of God: