Ideas and Impact

Jose Huitron
Santa Maria Valley Tech
2 min readNov 24, 2017

The Santa Maria Valley is a perfect basecamp for ideas to thrive.

Our region is rich with culture, aesthetics, options, history, and opportunity. At the tip of Northern Santa Barbara County, Santa Maria plays home to a variety of existing clusters that have fueled traditional economic development throughout the region. In today’s post-industrial America, there is a rising influx of communities proving that you don’t need to reside in Silicon Valley to play catalyst to startup growth and innovation. Ideas can and will continue to thrive from the West Coast to the East Coast.

Emergence is defined as the process of coming into view. It’s the beginning of prominence. Building a thriving startup ecosystem in the Santa Maria Valley is indeed a process that requires the right mix of ingredients.

Entrepreneurship and innovation are thriving in communities across the globe, and we see the transformative power entrepreneurs have to build products and companies that improve their communities, cities, and ultimately the world. (5 Ingredients for Fostering a Thriving Startup Ecosystem, Techstars)

It is this very belief in the power of action that has the ability to incite a groundswell of fresh entrepreneurship activity with the potential to completely redefine the social and economic DNA of the Santa Maria Valley for years ahead.

We welcome you to be a part of our origin story.



Jose Huitron
Santa Maria Valley Tech

Believer. Venture builder. Investor in people and ideas.