From Design Thinking to Astral Thinking Masterplan Spark

I have been exploring with the PicFinder AI how to evolve Design Thinking into a process combining astrology, alchemy and spiritualism. Which those of you who think Design Thinking is a hoax, know that it could be much worse!

Santiago Bustelo
Santiago Bustelo, in english
7 min readFeb 2, 2024


This is the behind the scenes of the illustrations in my article Design Thinking is as useful as astrology, but gets better press”.

I found it very amusing how it was getting worse with each prompt. I share the prompts and images under WTFPL license :)

Prompt #1: “Design Thinking diagram”.

The AI PicFinder interpreted that a certain pattern of radial symmetry, segments and even concentric levels of content had to be maintained.

If you print any of these and stick it on the wall, seen from a distance it can look legit.

Prompt #2: “[#1] mixed with double diamond”.

The diagrams become more complex. In some cases there are multiple symmetries, which gives it a plausible style.

It must be said that the AI did not take the “double” diamond into account very much. But squinting, any of these images could easily pass in a PowerPoint.

The last diagram reminds me of the German anti-aircraft towers of WWII. What they say, a solid model:

Flak towers: they promised to ensure success. They’re horrible, they’re useless, and they’re not even worth demolishing. What more do we want for a profitable Design Methodology that we can sell to unwary clients?

Prompt #3: “[#2] mixed with astrological charts and alchemy signs”.

The results show that the language of business is far from obscurantism.

As a matter of fact, Ian Rowland, author of the book “The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading” where he reveals the resources used by charlatans to deceive the unwary, is dedicated to teaching these resources to business people.

Prompt #4: “[#3] with Arcane books and potions. Collecting the gems will summon Steve jobs”.

Adding the arcane, we move away from the language of business ¿? And we enter the language of selling collectible gems to summon Steve Jobs, that is, the language of the business.

Here we also pass the prompt to ChatGPT, so that he can propose the names of the magic gems to be collected. We feed it by passing it as an example: “The Emerald of Empathy”.

  1. The Sapphire of Synthesis
  2. The Amethyst of Adaptability
  3. The Ruby of Resilience
  4. The Citrine of Creativity
  5. The Obsidian of Observation
  6. The Topaz of Transformation
  7. The Opal of Open-mindedness
  8. The Aquamarine of Analysis
  9. The Garnet of Growth
  10. The Onyx of Ideation
¡Collect them all!

Prompt #5: “Phony workshop for gullible designers: [#4]”.

Here we can begin to visualize the workshop, the work dynamics, and the rest of the cotillion that will accompany the central board showing the mystical diagrams.

Prompt final: “Close up of gullible designers at a phony workshop, futuristic setting. On the table and walls, Design Thinking diagram mixed with double diamond diagram, and astrological charts and alchemy signs. On the table, Arcane books and potions. Collecting the gems will summon Steve jobs”.

Now we have the visualization of the final product and the gullible victims participating in the scam, I mean, innovation workshop.

The thing starts more or less normal, a little eccentric perhaps. Quickly everything goes south and escalates to obscurantism and black magic, as it should be.

And here we have the final result, where the attendees have not only managed to invoke the spirit of Steve Jobs, but also the bald curmudgeon is possessing one by one all those present and the miracle of the Astral Thinking Masterplan Spark occurs.

I think Apple, Google, Microsoft or Samsung would easily pay 500 million for this.

To top it off, we asked ChatGPT for some marketing names for the design process that integrates Design Thinking, Double Diamond, Astrology, Alchemy and Spiritualism:

  1. Cosmic Innovation Fusion
  2. MetaDesign Odyssey
  3. Alchemystic Ideation
  4. Celestial Spark Design
  5. Quantum SoulCraft
  6. Mystic Mindset Method
  7. Astral Alchemy Blueprint
  8. Ethereal Design Quest
  9. Zodiac Creativity Nexus
  10. Spiritual Synergy Masterplan

A goldmine: books, conferences, workshops and even magic clothes, talismans, bracelets and pendants! Of course … as the progression shows, to be credible, you have to build it brick by brick.

While one pursues his professional career, concerned with scientific thinking and building falsifiable definitions such as: “The mission of UX Management is to get software into production, accepted by end users, generating results for the business:

Anyway, poor but honest.

