Development Update: Jan 30, 2018

Kim Carson
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2018

Several updates are available for you to check out in SANbase! We’ve rolled out some new aesthetics, and you can now see four main categories of data feeds on each project detail page:

• Financial data
• Development activity
• Blockchain analytics (in early beta, use with caution)
• Social analytics (just a first step)

SANbase with new look and datafeeds

Plus see a video tour! I’ll walk you through a few of the new attractions :)

We’ll be adding to these feeds, and continuing to improve the presentation and available features, but feel free to play around and get an idea of the direction things are headed:

Performance, quality and scaling

We’ve found some performance and correctness issues with the blockchain analytics data, so last week we were focused on fixing these issues, and are testing the fixes now. If all goes according to plan, we’ll have the updated blockchain stats next week.

We’re also working on improving our blockchain analytics pipeline, so that we can iterate more quickly on that front. Blockchain is currently our slowest moving pipeline, with turnover cycles spanning across weeks. Our goal is to deploy and test new blockchain analytics within a week, for which we will need to utilize a proper big data analytics system.

Upcoming features

On the blockchain analytics front, we’re close to releasing a chart showing the flow of funds in and out of crypto exchanges. As soon as we have fixed the blockchain analytics data, these stats should be available on SANbase.

We’re also developing free-text analytics of social posts. At this stage we have POCs, which we’re deploying on our servers in a way that we can have a continuous stream of social text data. Deployment of these data collectors should be finished this week, and we’re also working on extracting valuable insights from them (i.e. most frequently mentioned words and projects).

We’re also very close to releasing out first community content competition. Stay tuned...!

Another feature we’re working on is price/volume signals. We plan to provide traditional technical indicators like RSI, but we also are developing our own indicators. At this point we have a POC for one such signal (screenshot below). The indicator detects when the price and volume are moving in opposite directions (price goes up/volume goes down and vice versa). The smaller the angle, the more the price and the volume diverge. The hypothesis that this dynamic is a predictor for a turn in the market.

Price/volume divergence proof-of-concept

And finally, we are working on a timeline event stream of events for each crypto asset, which will allow people to add interesting events to the price charts, like:

• Exchange listings
• Futures contracts expiring
• Token distributions

As a first step the events will be added by us, but in the future we want to allow the community to add these events (with proper moderation of course). You can see a simple POC on the screenshot below.

SANbase mockup with event markers

So — there’s alot going on! Your feedback is always welcome. Drop us a line in the comments with thoughts, questions, observations, etc.

Santiment is a crypto market intelligence platform, building smart tools and a vibrant community aimed at bringing clarity to crypto trading and investing. To learn more, visit our website at, sign up for our newsletter at, and join the conversation on our Telegram.

