Development Update: Jan 3, 2018

Kim Carson
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2018

Quick update this week — and Happy New Year!

We continue to refine our first data feeds in SANbase for public launch. Watch for new detail pages for each project listing that include charts for price and a few other fundamentals, with projects’ development activity (Github commits) and token burn rates coming in the following weeks.

But last month was also about “data crunching”. In December we processed approximately 3TB of Github data using a combined total of 117 days (parallelizing our crunching on dozens of machines), and compiled some very interesting activity datasets for the projects.

We are currently crunching the Ethereum blockchain, where we have more than 200GB of compressed data that we are expanding into a several TB database using more than 10 servers. In addition, one loading process we are running now (which includes some extra blockchain information) might very well expand to 100TB of data. Needless to say, it’s an ongoing process! We hope to complete it in the next several days.

From there we will compile some reports over the data. We also need to further optimize this process, so that we can parallelize the crunching, use 10x more machines, and complete the computations 10x faster.

More updates are coming shortly too… including announcements on the “human” side of the data/insights house (namely, some new bounty programs for community participation). Stay tuned!

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