Introducing SanR: The “missing piece” of DeFi

Kim Carson
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2020

First things first.

We believe that once you start using SanR (our latest new product), your life as a crypto trader/investor will change.

For the better.

And, if you’re a “change agent” yourself — you can bring this change to the lives of others, too.

Record and share your market forecasts on SanR (and win rewards!)

Why will this change happen… and how?

Through SanR you’ll experience (and see in a trustless way):

  • what a good market call looks like
  • what important factors go into making good calls
  • that everyone can make a wrong call — and it’s not a tragedy
  • how much of this you can do by yourself

All this without exposing yourself to a typical risk of losing 25–50% in a matter of weeks.

A forecast on SanR that turned out pretty well in the end

So how did SanR come about?

After developing our main product, Sanbase (which is getting some traction as a leader in “crypto analytics”), we spent 3 months reflecting upon, and building, the next step:

  • A way to make backtesting easier
  • A way to clearly see crowd mood and prediction dynamics
  • A way to create an immutable record of market psychology that can reveal potential market tops and bottoms like never before
  • All as a decentralized platform or (if possible so quickly) as a protocol

Looking at the products together, one could say Sanbase displays the “raw material” (fundamental, on-chain and social sentiment data) underneath hundreds of tokens, collected from various blockchains and media streams. This data — processed and structured — fuels our intelligence gathering.

SanR is the “missing piece” that captures something so far elusive — the moment of human insight.

The “signal” that the market will move.
(Captured in an objective and trustless way.)

Investing is simple as soon as one key component is realized

No one knows the future. Not a single person on this planet. Ask anyone what the price of BTC will be at 10am on any given day during the next week — no one can answer it.

This point is obvious, yet we want to believe that we can predict (and control) the future.

It’s our brain that is afraid of not having “control” and therefore makes us believe or wish for things that don’t exist.

The faster you get rid of this illusion, the better for you.

What we can do, however, is “sense” something. Sometimes.

This “something” is what our brain registers as a “signal”. We won’t get too much into how our individual brains work. But one thing is important — our brains can sense signals.

Closed a little early, but still, not too bad

With some training, we can become aware of, and register, these signals clearly. With more practice, we start understanding the structure behind seemingly chaotic market moves. We recognize patterns as they emerge. We can even start writing instructions for our machines (or feed them relevant data) to notice the signals as well, and build on top of our knowledge.

And here we make the first step. Register the signals, note them on SanR. Reflect on what signals your brain registers and when they occur. Each of us is special.

It’s only when we become part of the crowd that we lose this uniqueness. We become more stupid. We make terrible investment decisions.

Don’t be the crowd.
Don’t read what “influencers” are saying (they know even less than you do).

Ignore the “experts” looking for publicity.
If you’re an investment expert, you don’t need publicity unless you want to manipulate other investors.

Be yourself, be on your own.
And discover your limits as fast as possible. You’ll see what you are missing.

SanR will help you find those who complement your already existing skills.

Reflection is a simple process (though the experience coming out of reflection isn’t). “The flow” can only be experienced, it can’t be explained. Just start using SanR.

What’s Next

We have a couple more SanR articles upcoming. In the next one, we will (un)cover the SanR token economy.

And finally we will talk about ML and AI and its place in being a successful crypto investor.

In the meantime, try SanR here.
You can start for free, no risk.
Or jump right in and stake SAN to compete for rewards :)

Since 2016, Santiment has been developing innovative ways to understand the mechanics of crypto markets. Our flagship app, Sanbase, is the place to go for everything one needs to run behavior analyses of crypto assets. Developers can subscribe to our SanAPI to access raw data and metrics for professional use. Most recently we’ve launched SanR, a source of decentralized market intelligence (the “missing part in DeFi”).

We welcome your comments and questions!
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