Santiment’s First Set of Strategic Partners

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2 min readJul 3, 2017

With Santiment, the name of the game is partnership. Everything from our business model to our token structure is based around creating and delivering great value to our partners. These partners give us access to increasingly large markets, new data streams, and help us create network effects befitting our vision. With that in mind, we’d like to formally announce our first key partners, and how they’ll help us going forward:

We partnered with from the earliest possible stage to deliver the strongest possible product to users. We will also be the first project after itself to use the Priority Pass, and we’ll support them going forward.


As one of our earliest supporters, Iconomi has helped us by providing strategic advice and other support where necessary. We look forward to expanding our partnership in the near future.


KPMG has been one of our earliest partners, helping us navigate the Switzerland’s legal framework. They helped us make the legal structure for the launch of the token sale, coordinated contact with the regulatory and tax authorities and supported Santiment in the drafting our legal opinion (both legal and regulatory).

The Blockchain Research Lab

We are partnering with the Blockchain Research Lab to hone our machine learning technology. Their financial and technological expertise will be invaluable, as will their connections to Deloitte, Accenture, and many other future partners.

Researchers at the University of Hamburg & Concordia University Montreal

We are partnering with professors and researchers from these universities to further develop datafeeds on crypto-market assets. The results will be reported in academic journals, courtesy of our research partners at the above universities.

Brave New Coin

We’ve partnered with Brave New Coin to deliver our first set of historical price datafeeds, as well as to share great content and data generally to create yet more datafeeds. We look forward to expanding our partnership with them in the future.

There are many more strategic partners that have not been included on this list. We will reveal them in the months to come.

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