The Santiment alpha MVP, What we’ve been up to, and the token sale Whitelist

Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2017

It’s been a huge few months. In this period we’ve:

1. Rigorously analyzed, broken down, and rebuilt our core business model, token economics, and market offering.

2. Created a very eventful mobile alpha app.

3. Expanded the team with some new world class professionals and strategic partners.

4. Finished our whitepaper and related docs. These show our new approach, though we’ll be sharing it in content leading up to the token sale as well. Read the 1-pager to get up to speed fast!

Here’s the TLDR of this post:

Let’s go into each. For our business model, we’re now more aligned with Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg’s business model, as a subscription oriented datafeeds platform. Our advantage with our token economics is that we have a new means of distributing the benefits of the platform to the community… it’s as if the true beneficiaries of Santiment will be the SAN token holders. We will use this to create increasingly powerful crowdsourcing and network effects.

Our token economics also had to change as a result. The new token structure is designed around delivering benefits to large parties which they’ll pass to their customers. This will let us claim market share much faster. Token are used for subscription-staking (for select content streams and feeds) and auctions (for the most valuable datafeeds and datasets).

All this is coming together in our market offering. We’re going deep on datafeeds, and are aiming to make Santiment the base data layer for the crypto-markets. We believe that by strategically positioning ourselves here, we will be ready for exponential growth in the bull markets to come and continue to grow even during the bear markets (unlike many projects, which will likely weaken).

For our MVP, we’ve completed an alpha mobile app. It includes, among other things:

- The most accurate price feeds in crypto

- Probably the best looking mobile charts around (we’ll need these for everything later on)

- An experimental trollbox feed

- A sentiment journaling tool & game

Here are some screenshots:

It’s still very rough around the edges, but with the charts and price feeds, we now have a core feed on which to build more sophisticated indicators and signals for mobile, which is a feat in itself.

We’ve also added several new members to our team. One from East Asia, and another from Russia. And if we close the crowdsale smoothly, there will be a number of others (mostly in data analysis and backend development) on the way. But now, let’s return to the vision. And another screenshot. :)

So on our vision, let me say that again: Santiment aims to be the base data layer for the crypto-markets. We want to be the information road that every analyst, crypto-financial service, and crypto-trader/investor/fund manager has to use to reach the optimal decision. In short, Santiment wants to be an infrastructure layer of the crypto-markets.

We believe that if we can do this, the maximal amount of value will accrue in Santiment in the long term.

We‘ve received overwhelming interest from both the crypto and blockchain community in what we are developing. Therefore, we have decided to split our crowdsale into 3 groups:

1. SAN Community

2. Priority Pass

3. Public Crowdsale

Our SAN Community group will have the chance to reserve their place in the crowdsale. For this, we will pair slack usernames and emails from our mailing list with a single ETH address. To be precise, we’ll give you a form where you’ll have to input:

  1. The ETH address you want to use.
  2. The range of ETH you want to contribute (for example, 40–100 ETH)
  3. Your email that’s on our newsletter.
  4. Your slack username.

NOTE: The whitelist has NOT been released yet.

There are several advantages to this approach: We guarantee our core community of contributors and supporters get in the crowdsale, and we estimate the size of the raise from our community, which helps us plan the remaining caps. Finally this approach helps us encourage our community to ‘plan your trade, and trade your plan’ reducing FOMO and nurturing good trading habits.

Note that only ETH contributions are allowed. So by whitelisting, you’re agreeing to put in a range of ETH, or void your place in the SAN community whitelist. If you’re not on the whitelist, then you must fight for your place in either the CFI Priority Pass or Public Crowdsale. The CFI Priority Pass will get a minimum of 25% of the cap and a maximum of 35% of the cap.

The entire remainder will go to the public crowdsale. We cannot guarantee that everyone will get in during either the Priority Pass or Public phase. So we encourage all community members to mark their ETH entry as soon as possible.

We believe that this tri-structured crowdsale, with differing caps for each one, will lead to the optimal distribution. Our core community will have a guaranteed entry, our Priority Pass partners will get an exclusive advantage, and the public will have a chance to make a sizable entry. This option is the most fair approach we can undertake, since it was our community (and our partners at ICONOMI and who contributed the most to help us get to this stage.

We hope you’re as excited for the Santiment crowdsale as we are, and that you join our SAN whitelist as soon as possible. To join, make sure to join our slack channel and our email list, since you’ll need your information on both to enter. Here are the links:

Slack Invite:

Email Signup:

We look forward to seeing you on the whitelist (when it is launched) and becoming a part of crypto-market history!

And one more thing… we’ll be re-introducing the Santiment’s business model and diving into the meat of it over the next few weeks, so make sure you’re on our email list.

