Welcome and let us start!

an introduction letter to the santiment.net community

Maksim Balashevich
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2016


From Shanghai Ethereum DevCon2

It feels great to write our first update directly from Ethereum DevCon2.

What we are about to build is both challenging and exciting — in many aspects.

We are developing a community-driven financial wisdom platform, which will begin by collecting, evaluating and deepening our view into crypto market sentiment. We might move into other areas too, later on, as long as the community decides to do so.

By itself, market sentiment insight created by a community is quite a unique concept.

However, it becomes even more special when we consider how we are going to build our platform.

It will be open, decentralized and transparent — a pretty revolutionary idea for the financial industry.

This transparency and openness will be present from the beginning, but we will take an incremental approach to development, as this may be the biggest lesson we’ve learned from the summer’s DAO event. When a system is new and the waters aren’t fully tested, it’s safer to build gradually so complexity can be managed and risks minimized.

By now you may have questions. What exactly do we mean by “transparent”? What are these gradual steps we’re aluding to? In the next updates I will start outlining the details…

….so stay tuned!



Maksim Balashevich

Passionate Yogi, Founder of Santiment.net, blockchain’s first open crypto-market intelligence platform. Go here to learn more: http://www.santiment.net/