Weekend Words: CEO-CTO Tension

A net positive if communication is honest and open

Santosh Sankar
S Squared
2 min readMay 6, 2017


I always love sitting in a room with an early stage team and getting to know each member. The team and I at Dynamo try to understand each person and then observe their interactions. This builds a valuable understanding into their dynamics.

The one thing I’ve noticed during the short time I’ve done this is the interaction between non-technical and technical people. Simply put, the CEO and CTO. The high octane, complementary founding groups tend to have a tension. I’m not talking about bickering, fighting, or the like.

The tension is a positive force typified by push/pull from both parties as it pertains to vision, opportunity, and executiom. Generally, the CEO is out trying to capitalize on the hints of opportunity or setting an audacious vision while the CTO, who might think more serially, is trying to make sure they have a product that can deliver on the outcomes users are hoping for. This is how you build something people love — it requires a complement of skills and personalities.

What makes this work is the honest and open feedback between parties. It might be the CEO needs to run faster at prospects, the CTO ship at a greater pace, or both need to spend time with users developing more empathy. Embracing the tension and talking through it is how startups find a state where they have a replicable, scalable business through which they build their empires.



Santosh Sankar
S Squared

@thisisdynamo. 🤔 supporting awesome founders, building amazing products, and sales/distribution. ♥️ supply chain, mobility, data, dogs, our bright future.