How to receive your alert emails as notifications on your Microsoft Teams channel?

Aswin Raghuraman
SAP Commerce Cloud
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2022

In this post (2 mins) , you will learn how to receive your application alert emails on the Microsoft Teams channel.

I can imagine lot of use cases. Added few below.

  • You can use it to receive the alerts from systems which supports only email notifications. At present, you may have configured a group mail which you will receive and action upon.
  • You would like to consolidate keep all the monitoring alerts of different systems in one place. And some systems will emit only email alerts and integration with MS teams is not available.
  • You would like get application errors on teams channel rather than emails
  • Request from users via emails.
  • And more

I personally got this idea when I want to receive performance related alerts from SAP Commerce platform. There is no direct integration. so the SAP team will trigger to your requested email whenever there are performance issues in the system. Ok, I hear you saying “Enough man! now can you talk about how to configure it?” Lets jump on to it.

Steps to configure

  1. Get the email id of your MS team channel.

2. Click the … button of your channel

3. Click on the “Manage Channel” option

4. Again click the … button. Then click the “Get email address” option

5. It will open a popup to show your Microsoft team channel email address.

Now all you have to do is, copy and configure this email address where-ever needed to receive the notifications on your channel. That’s it !!

I sent a TEST EMAIL from my email client to my team channel email address and got the below notification on my channel. HOORAY !! Tt worked!!

Though its simple, its a very effective solution for lot of scenarios.

Hope you enjoyed learning something new. If you like my post, give a clap and follow me for my new posts :)



Aswin Raghuraman
SAP Commerce Cloud

eCommerce expert, Solution Architect and Developer. Knowledge on multiple platforms SAP commerce Cloud, BigCommerce, AEM, Celum and Azure Cloud DevOps