SAP Commerce CCV2 Cloud Portal — Manual Build & Deployment Process

Aswin Raghuraman
SAP Commerce Cloud
Published in
4 min readDec 27, 2023

In this document, you can understand the manual build and deployment process in SAP Commerce CCV2 ( Cloud Portal )

Navigate to the SAP Commerce Cloud Portal using your SAP S-User and Password —

After login, you will see all the provisioned environments of your subscription

S1 — Staging and P1 — Production ( you might see a different list as per your subscription)

Environments in CCV2

CCV2 Git Repo connection setup

Click Repository and enter your git repo URL as shown below

Click Generate and create a public key.

Add the public keys in your git repo

Git > Account > settings > Add SSH & GPG Keys > New SSH Key

Follow the microlearning to understand all the steps click here

Build Process

In the right side menu, Click > Builds

All the previous builds will be listed here. You can use either any of these builds to deploy or click Create to start a new build


Click > Builds > Create

It should open the below create build page.

Enter the build name and git branch details.

Build name — Provide your naming conventions for the build

Git Branch — Enter the git branch ( Connection between git repo and your subscription should already be established )

Then click Save

It will start a new build. Initial state will be Scheduled. Later it will change the status to success or failure.

After a few minutes, the build will start progressing.

If it fails, click on the icon at the row end to retrigger the build.

Click on the build name to get more details on the build progress and logs

Download Build Log will provide the build details and can be used for debugging build failures.

If the build runs without any issues, it will show as Success, and its ready for deployment.


Select the new build or specific build to be deployed from the builds list. It will open up the below page.

Click on the Deploy to Environment

Deployment Window

Target Enviroment

Choose the env where you want to deploy your build — Dev, Staging or PROD

Platform Update Mode

There are three options to select

No Migration Required : If there are no db changes ( items.xml changes) Select this one.

Migrate — If there are db changes select this option. ( I usually select and recommend this as it wont create any issues even when there are no db changes)

Initialize Database — It will delete all the data and recreate a new env ( Unless you know what you are doing, never select this option)

Deployment Mode

There are three options to select

Rolling update: No downtime and it will deploy the changes to the container one by one. API and storefront will not go down. Backoffice will go down for 5–10 minutes during the deployment ( Recommended Option)

Recreate: Faster but it will have downtime and the site won’t be available during the deployment. It will recreate all the containers.

Blue/Green: This is to create a new environment for testing and once verification is completed we can move the changes to the live site. ( Available on request and only for Prod (P1) env)

Now let's start the deployment

Deployment Process

To recap, click on the build to be deployed and click Deploy to Environment button.

In the Deploy Build window,

  1. Select the Target Environment — s1 (or other env)
  2. Select the Data Migration Mode — Migrate (or other options)
  3. Select the Deployment Mode — Rolling update (or other options)

Click Deploy button

It will start the deployment and you can check the progress here. After deployment is complete, the changes will be reflected in the application.

Deployment Progress

Once the deployment is complete, the status should change from Deploying to Deployed.

Note: I recommend to create a complete backup of your Prod env, before you deploy

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Aswin Raghuraman
SAP Commerce Cloud

eCommerce expert, Solution Architect and Developer. Knowledge on multiple platforms SAP commerce Cloud, BigCommerce, AEM, Celum and Azure Cloud DevOps