7 Ideas to Make ChatGPT Your UA Assistant

Embrace AI in technical writing for more dynamic and efficient content creation

Snezhina Velcheva
Experience Matters
3 min readJul 21, 2023


Abstract image of pink bubbles overlapping

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a passing trend; it’s here to revolutionize our world for the long run. According to the Harvard Business Review, in the majority of tasks that require extensive knowledge, workers are more likely to find themselves augmenting their skills in collaboration with machines in the future, rather than being completely automated out of their jobs.

As a technical writer, I am constantly on the lookout for innovative tools to enhance my work and improve user experience. AI tools like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s state-of-the-art language model, have the potential to positively impact the future of content creation and reshape the way we work. Below, I’m sharing 7 ideas on how User Assistance (UA) teams can benefit from tools like ChatGPT and make them their invaluable allies.​​​​​​​

#1: Use chatbot integration for interactive documentation

Merging ChatGPT with your technical documentation has the potential to transform the traditional static documentation format into a dynamic, interactive experience. By integrating a chatbot, users can ask questions and receive real-time, context-aware answers. This personalized touch reduces the need for extensive searching and facilitates a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

#2: Adopt AI-driven content recommendations

As technical writers, we can harness ChatGPT’s ability to understand context and suggest relevant content. By integrating the model into our content management systems, we can receive suggestions for related topics, links, or even complete sections to include in our documentation. This not only saves time but also ensures our content is comprehensive and interconnected.

#3: Take advantage of customized reviews and edits

One of the most time-consuming aspects of technical writing is the review and editing process. ChatGPT could be trained to recognize and apply an organization’s style guide, making it an invaluable tool for proofreading and editing. The AI can flag inconsistencies, suggest improvements, and even automate parts of the editing process, ensuring a polished final product.

#4: Make use of intelligent summarization capabilities

With complex technical documentation, providing concise summaries can be invaluable for user understanding. ChatGPT has the potential to analyze lengthy documents and generate coherent summaries, tailored to various levels of technical expertise. This means users can quickly grasp essential information without being overwhelmed by intricate details.

#5: Boost SEO with ChatGPT-optimized content

In today’s digital world, the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) cannot be overstated. ChatGPT can help technical writers optimize their documentation for search engines by suggesting relevant keywords and phrases to incorporate into their content. By understanding user search intent and analyzing search query patterns, ChatGPT can generate suggestions for long-tail keywords, meta descriptions, and title tags that align with user needs. This could boost the visibility of the documentation pages in search engine results, ensuring users could easily find and access the information they are looking for.

#6: Optimize translation and localization

As global markets become increasingly interconnected, the need for accurate translation and localization of technical documentation grows. ChatGPT can be fine-tuned for multiple languages, making it a powerful asset for translation tasks. By working with the AI, we can make our documentation accessible to a wider audience, while maintaining the original intent and technical accuracy.

#7: Facilitate onboarding and training of technical writers

ChatGPT can also serve as an onboarding and training tool for new technical writers. By providing access to the AI model, new hires can ask questions, receive instant feedback, and be guided through the writing process. This accelerates the learning curve and enables them to quickly become proficient in their role.

Take advantage of the tools of the future

Embracing ChatGPT in technical documentation opens the door to a new world of interactive, dynamic, and efficient content creation. As technical writers, we have an opportunity to leverage this cutting-edge technology to revolutionize our industry and provide unparalleled user assistance. The conversational catalyst is here — let’s harness its power and elevate our craft.

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Snezhina Velcheva
Experience Matters

Senior UA Developer @ SAP. Harnessing AI to revolutionize technical communication. Diving deep into the future of tech. Pen is mightier in the digital age.