Facing the Innovation Challenge like a Heavyweight Champion

Julia Deutsch
Experience Matters
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2019

Klitschko Ventures and SAP AppHaus Offer a New openSAP Course

SAP’s Customer Innovation unit with its SAP AppHaus Network joins forces with Dr. Wladimir Klitschko and his company Klitschko Ventures to work on a training curriculum. This curriculum couples the Design Thinking training offered by the SAP AppHaus with the Challenge Management philosophy developed by the former world boxing champion and his team.

“I’m extremely proud of our cooperation. I have the best of the best on my team; we’ll achieve the maximum of what’s possible”, says Klitschko about the partnership with SAP. The SAP AppHaus team is equally excited.

The first product of their collaboration is the free online course “Design Thinking and Challenge Management” which is available at openSAP from May 28 to June 26, 2019.

Delivering great products goes beyond innovative technology. Great software companies must prove they can develop innovative products as well as give their customers guidance for their innovation journey.

Innovation only happens when people are willing to change their ways of thinking and working. Design Thinking is a proven methodology for generating new ideas and finding out what people really need. However, the best ideas can’t change the world unless they’re turned into action. This is where Wladimir Klitschko’s Challenge Management approach comes into play. As a world class boxer for nearly three decades, he learned to tackle challenges proactively and with focus, agility, coordination, and endurance. In short, it’s all about willpower. These personal skills are key ingredients for sustainable innovation and transformation.

Cultural transformation always starts with personal transformation. The combination of the two methodologies is a perfect match to complement the SAP AppHaus innovation culture portfolio.

More activities are planned for later this year, so stay tuned!

SAP AppHaus

Klitschko Ventures

SAP press release

This article first appeared on https://experience.sap.com/

