Journey of Managing Sales Orders in SAP Fiori: #3 Item Details

The SAP Fiori application Create Sales Orders is the new face of SAP S/4HANA order management. In the two previous blogs, we have provided an overview of the new intuitive user experience and how to create a new sales order. Now, let’s look at item details.

Saskia Guckenburg
Experience Matters
4 min readMar 4, 2021


The item details screen gives an overview of all the relevant information for a specific item. The user can click on the tabs to navigate to the different sections of the page. In each section of the page, specific changes can be made to the item.

Watch the video below to see how the design and functionality of the Create Sales Orders app helps to save time when creating sales orders for frequent customers.

General Information

On the first tab, general information is displayed, like the item data, terms and conditions, and shipping but also advanced data like account assignment, dates, and weight and volume. The information can be changed and updated here: The user interface considers the dynamic editability of the fields based on the contextual data of the item. For example, you see that the Batch field is not editable as the product does not have batches configured. The tab bar supports hierarchies, allowing multiple subtabs underneath one main tab for fast navigation. The fields are grouped together using field groups based on business semantics so that they can be found easily.


Under the second tab, the delivery information and schedule lines are displayed. Changes about the requested delivery date, delivery priority, number of partial deliveries and requested quantities can be made and partial deliveries for the item can be determined.

Business Partners

Under this section, the business partner information is displayed.

Status and Blocks

A detailed and color-coded overview about status and blocks regarding the item is shown under Status and Blocks.


The navigation to the pricing table can be done either by clicking on the tab Pricing or by clicking on Net Value at the top of the screen. The pricing table in this user interface is also optimized for a better user experience. The color-coding feature makes it easy to identify the status of each price element. Active price elements that have been processed successfully are shown in green. Price elements that have been added but not processed yet are shown in yellow and those that cannot be processed correctly are shown in red.


Here, the default language is determined by the system. By clicking on the drop-down menu, the text type can be selected and a free text be written.

Propose Items

If you go back to the overview of the Sales Order Items, the feature Propose Items can be used to save time and create sales orders more efficiently. Clicking the button, a list of the customer’s frequently ordered items and quantities will be triggered. You can then decide to keep, change, or delete any of the proposed items.

The new SAP Fiori Create Sales Orders application simplifies the day-to-day work of sales representatives, providing essential information on a single screen with easy navigation and optimized visualization.

Stay tuned for more!

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