The Best #FridayLunchMovie Screenings of 2015

Anthony Jakubiak
Experience Matters
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2016

At the Design & Co-Innovation Center, we foster T-shaped design teams by continually expanding our knowledge and skill sets. To achieve this, we host numerous learning opportunities for our team from Bikablo drawing workshops and Drupal learning sessions to guest talks on a range of topics like photo journalism and visual storytelling.

In continuation of this effort, this year we started the “Friday Lunch Movie” tradition — an hour dedicated to watching and discussing movies and videos across a range of topics spanning design, tech, leadership, art, architecture. Through the course of the year, we saw over 30 movies and as we close 2015, here is a list of the top five and why our team loved them!

Love, Beauty, Religion, Death & Space — Design’s Next Frontiers

IDEO’s Chief Creative Officer Paul Bennett shares common, and maybe obvious human experiences and emotions that we often don’t bring forward in our work, but we should.

The Adobe Illustrator Story

Adobe Illustrator is a prolific tool that we use everyday in our work. Looking to its origins gives us a glimpse of how it changed drawing and graphic design forever.

Sign Painters

In a digital world its easy for us to overlook that at one point everything was accomplished with brush and paint. “Sign Painters” exposes this history on the craft of sign painting.

How great leaders inspire action — Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek gives powerful frameworks on innovation and challenges us to always begin with the simple question of “Why?”

1957 Frank Lloyd Wright interview by Mike Wallace

With both disciplines focused on creating a structure to shape and facilitate human experience, not surprisingly, we find many connections in our work between architectural design and digital design. In this interview we glean insight into the mind of one of the greatest architects of the 20th century.

Seen these movies? Have other suggestions? Share your thoughts with us!



Anthony Jakubiak
Experience Matters

I live at the intersection of human needs and technological capabilities — from devices, to digital experiences, to the services that enable them.