Can Digital Technology Kick-start Italy’s Economy in 2019?

Sean Thompson
SAP Innovation Spotlight
3 min readJan 4, 2019

When Caesar Augustus reformed the Roman financial system, he simplified taxation throughout the empire, ushering in one of the longest periods of growth, stability and trade expansion in all of antiquity.

Two thousand years later, leaders in Rome are again seeking to stimulate a sagging economy whose woes stem, in part, from a persistent shortfall in the value-added taxes collected by Italy. On January 1, Italy began implementing a tax solution the emperors could only have dreamt of: digital networks. The country became the first in Europe to require electronic invoicing for all business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions.

The direct effect is that tax authorities can now gain visibility into commerce that may have otherwise gone unreported. But the indirect effect may bear even greater implications for Italy’s economy. After adopting electronic invoicing and discovering its efficiencies, many Italian businesses may consider fully embracing digital business networks and cloud-based applications through which they can manage sourcing, contracting, purchasing and payments seamlessly on a unified platform.

When linked together electronically, buyers and suppliers expand their visibility into each other’s complementary capabilities and interconnected operations. In addition, they dramatically increase the number and variety of available trading partners. They also gain the ability to collaborate with each other on product design, distribution strategies, and joint marketing campaigns. Through these and other synergies, electronic commerce holds the potential to turbocharge not only a company’s growth but that of an entire economy.

The opportunity couldn’t arrive at a better moment for Italy. After many years of stagnation, its economy has recently signaled optimism in the form of budget discipline. Through digital networks, not only can Italy hope to recover the revenues needed to climb out of its sizable debt, but it can also spur the economic growth necessary to prevent relapse.

Meanwhile, in mandating electronic invoicing Italy joins an encouraging global movement to strengthen accountability in procurement. In November 2018, Australia passed a Modern Slavery Act, requiring businesses with annual revenues exceeding $100 million to report their efforts to eradicate forced labor and human trafficking from their supply chains. The law follows similar mandates enacted in the United Kingdom in 2015 and California in 2010.

According to the International Labour Organization, 25 million people suffer the indignity of forced labor worldwide. Until the advent of digital networks, concerned consumers and businesses had little in the way of reliable information to gauge the ethical business practices of the brands they support. Thanks to digital business networks and cloud-based technology, though, that has now changed. As the American jurist Louis Brandeis famously observed, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

When businesses join digital networks, they benefit from transparency both operational and reputational, enabling them to do well while doing good.

Brava, Italia!



Sean Thompson
SAP Innovation Spotlight

Senior Vice President of Business Network and Ecosystem at SAP Ariba and SAP Fieldglass. Follow @seantho or visit and