“Where’s our Turkey?” — The People Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions

Ali G
SAP Innovation Spotlight
4 min readSep 7, 2018

When Northrop first acquired Grumman, it was a disaster. The integration strategy with respect to people, processes, and systems was ill-defined and that created significant friction in the company. Even after 17 years of acquisition, folks would still complain about how Northrop did them wrong.

One oft repeated complaint by employees was about how Northrop took their Turkeys away. Back in the day, Grumman employees would receive fresh Turkeys for Christmas. It was quite an event as employees and retirees would line up to get their birds and years ago they even received live ones. In one of the first meetings after acquisition in April employees asked, “Will we still get our Turkey?” and the answer they were given was a big fat NO.

Had Northrop been aware of the cultural implications of this small gesture they might have decided to continue the giveaway for a temporary period if not long-term. Their response perpetuated the kind of behavior that cost millions due to their apathy while saving thousands on Turkey.

This is just one example of how a small symbol can impact a merger of two titans. Now, I don’t intend to say that the merger between these two entities was troubled simply because of this one detail. However, it’s a good example of how employees and their concerns are acutely responsible for the success or failure of mergers and acquisitions.

What’s up with M&A?

Every year all over the globe, trillions of dollars are spent to merge organizations big and small. Worldwide there were more than 50,000 deals worth more than $3.5 trillion in 2017 and millions of employees were affected by them. With so much value at stake M&A can be a great way to improve returns. However, it is also true that more than 50% of M&A does not generate the expected ROI. Another study gives more color by providing a grim view suggesting 80% of M&A fails at the implementation stage due to ineffective change management, lack of HR representation, dearth of HR skill set, and inadequate roadmaps. These studies show that if done incorrectly M&A can also result in significant loss of value.

Types of M&A

Typically, there are three types of mergers and acquisitions:

1. Converge Horizontal Processes: These drive value by converging certain processes like finance, HR, procurement, etc. across the merged companies

2. Full Value Chain Integration: This approach requires the most integration. In addition to the synergies delivered in scenario 1, it is envisioned that there are substantial synergies in fully integrating the value chains. This may be the case when the acquired company supplies or consumes a product produced by the acquiring organization.

3. Portfolio of Assets — Low or No Synergy: In this scenario, the buyer doesn’t expect to deliver synergies from the integration of business processes. A typical buyer in this category would be a Private Equity firm which expects to deliver value from areas like financial engineering or accelerated growth.

The People Impact

The first two types of M&A typically require a lot of care while carving out the new entity. It’s almost like a marriage between two people who already have kids from before. Both families have their own deeply rooted rules, traditions, and a way of life. It is very difficult as it is for one family to find a happy medium between its own members, let alone adding a new and completely different set of individuals into the fold. Anyone who minimizes the enormity of this task (in marriage or in M&A) is bound to fail at its helm. Logically, the people specific due diligence required to succeed in M&A is intense and can broadly be divided into three stages:

1. Pre-merger: To validate if the merger is even a good idea

2. During merger: To ensure that employee related concerns are well embedded in the integration plan

3. Post-merger: To drive people related initiatives until a new culture starts to develop for the merged organization

Putting Employee Concerns at Ease

A new normal like M&A results in anxiety for the employee population, as job cuts and role changes are the norm and bright talent looks for a way out as soon as they get hint of such activity. It is imperative in this situation, to set the right example from day one or the implicit cost of M&A will rise to unmanageable levels. In this situation the following three steps can help restrict loses, engage employees, and improve empathy:

1. Cultural assessment surveys can highlight differences between the two merging entities and help design a cultural roadmap for the future

2. Honoring icons like Turkey giveaways will protect emotionally valuable norms and build trust with the new entity

3. Day One planning shall get information out to employees about the merger and what it means to them. This should include onboarding plans, compensation and benefit rationalization information, and preliminary origination design among other things. Transparency is key!

In any merger of big organizations, people are usually a critical piece of the puzzle that is often overlooked. Simply identifying that as a key element as early as identification of M&A targets, helps build better practices into the process. More of the same can improve M&A success and ROI gains.

This is an excerpt from a whitepaper called “Mergers and Acquisitions: An HR perspective across pre-post merger planning and implementation” which can be accessed here.



Ali G
SAP Innovation Spotlight

Driven by impact, I help companies with digital transformation. Will work for Biryani!