Putting Intelligent Spend Management on the Map

Patrick McCarthy
SAP Innovation Spotlight
4 min readNov 25, 2019

Remember when poster-size maps were our last, best hope for arriving at our destination? Sometimes, just unfolding the map and folding it back up neatly could prove more challenging than making the trip itself! And you still needed to plot out the route on your own.

Yet that about captures where procurement stood for many years: a paper-based process. That was considered state-of-the-art.

For some businesses, ledgers and worksheets are still their procurement reality. The information they hold may be proprietary, and it might even generate value — for a time. But it quickly becomes obsolete. Whether in business or on a road trip, reliance on crinkly old maps or other paper-based solutions consistently leads to one place: a dead end.

Fortunately, GPS-based devices such as those created by Garmin and TomTom came along, dramatically simplifying the user experience. Like a paper map, these devices were primarily a standalone platform for information. But they were able to accomplish the routing with a level of sophistication that, at the time, seemed like magic. Still, they were costly to maintain and a bit clumsy to update. What’s more, they were yet another device that you needed to remember to charge, if you could find the specialized cable.

GPS devices from a decade ago may remind you of some third-party procurement platforms. These platforms may feature a degree of automation, but unless they integrate fully into the primary (i.e., ERP) platform, they may not be the wisest investment of time and resources. Do you remember trying to update the maps or how did you keep track of that “special” charging cable. Finally, more than once it fell off your dashboard at just the wrong moment.

Now, where are we with mapping technologies today? We have applications that are fully able to integrate into the platform (i.e., your smartphone) and take advantage of all its capabilities. Whether making use of the phone’s accelerometer or its ability to triangulate via wi-fi to determine your exact coordinates, the objective remains getting you from Point A to Point B. But now these devices feature so much more information. They allow for intelligence shared by third-party providers as well as the community of users, lending real-time insights into road construction, traffic jams, weather patterns, accidents, potholes and lane closures (and, if you drive like I do, tips on where the police speed traps may be hiding!). And, the integration is such today that you don’t even use your phone’s screen anymore, as the control is through the native display in the vehicle.

What you see above is not a gentle reminder from my wife. Instead, it’s a depiction of a platform that truly understands my needs — more than just my desire to move from Point A to Point B. This mapping platform is looking at traffic and asking when’s the last time I checked into the health club? What did I document as my fitness goals? What meetings do I have on my calendar, and how much free time exists? And so forth. Applications are beginning to integrate our goals, infer our priorities, and optimize our schedules by making logical suggestions on where we might find our time better spent — whether involving traffic or fitness or any number of other endeavors.

This evolution parallels where Intelligent Spend Management is today. The best solutions, both for the procurement of direct and indirect goods and for external workforce management, are able to guide users through a process and, leveraging third-party content, prompt them about any upcoming issues or challenges so they can make better-informed decisions. These opportunities, made possible by cloud-based digital networks, are extending competitive advantage at a scale never previously imagined. We are a million miles ahead of where we were.

What does this trend toward greater intelligence mean for procurement in practical terms? Let’s say I’m sourcing €2 million of a particular commodity class. The system should be aware that there are new sources of supply for that commodity class that have just come online in Eastern Europe, for example, and I have no existing relationships with suppliers there. I should invite those suppliers to this sourcing event. And, by the way, since this is a €2 million event for this commodity class, I should invite ten suppliers overall for optimal results. And I should follow a 10–5–2 bid process with them before I award it. Based on currency exposure, transportation, and handling units, I can understand the complete landed cost. With more accurate costs, I can now determine where I can get the best quality at the best cost per unit. In addition, perhaps I’ll fold a set of social responsibility questions into the bid package because it’s aware of my brand values and CSR objectives — and it’s also aware that this particular commodity class may have some challenges with unfair labor practices or environmental compliance.

This is Intelligent Spend: a fully integrated platform able to navigate today’s spend by taking curated and community-based intelligence to inform users about the best ways to execute and chart a strategic path, without the paper maps.



Patrick McCarthy
SAP Innovation Spotlight

Patrick McCarthy is Senior Vice President and General Manager of SAP Ariba and SAP Fieldglass. Follow @PJM_Iam or visit www.ariba.com and www.fieldglass.com.