Do’s and Don’ts on Working with SAP

Your to do and don’t list from Alexa Gorman, SVP, Global Head of SAP.iO Foundries & Intrapreneurship

Stephanie Horwitz
3 min readApr 6, 2022


Watch the full In the Know with iO session here!

In our latest In the Know with iO session, we sat down with Alexa Gorman and uncovered her biggest pointers for SAP.iO startups looking to maximize their partnership with SAP. Don’t have time to watch the full conversation? Check out Alexa’s top do’s and don’ts below!

The Don’ts (because we have to start somewhere!)

Don’t assume that a 3-month program is going to open a huge funnel of leads and the deals will fly in right when you finish the Foundry program. It can take 2–3 years to figure out your best fit with the SAP world, but the results will be worth it.

Don’t simply ask for an introduction via email if you want a quick response.

Don’t limit yourself on what your integration and joint path forward with SAP can look like.

Don’t close the door on your relationship with SAP if your startup couldn’t be super active during the Foundry program.

The Do’s (so we can end on a positive note!)

Do make your solution as relevant as possible for SAP salespeople and their customers and as easy for them to position as possible. Perfect a proper value proposition in alignment with the SAP solution and customer need.

Do continue to tweak your solution over time and see how it can work best together with SAP. The path forward agreed upon for a joint solution during the Foundry program might look very different today; stay up-to-date on new innovations and opportunities within SAP.

Do continue to nurture the initial connections made during the Foundry program by sending relevant updates and keeping your contacts informed of your startup’s happenings.

Do make it easier for the person you want to help you. Think about how you can best help them help you (a tongue twister!)

Do write out a full introduction email for your connector to send out so they can plug and play and quickly make an intro for you, they just need to fill in the “to” and “from”!

Do take Alexa up on her offer to help make introductions (she has an incredible network) or set brainstorm calls to discuss GTM, strategy, etc.

Do re-engage with us if it’s been a while but your product has matured, you got the customers you needed to get traction, and you are ready to open some new doors!

Remember friends, when working with SAP, it’s a marathon and not a sprint. Stay focused, stay tenacious, stay informed, and stay in’s well worth it in the end. We look forward to continued success together!

Steph & Alexa at the In the Know with iO session

Looking for more resources to help you leverage your partnership with SAP? Check out the one and only AlumniHub!

Are you a startup interested in working with SAP.iO or participating in one of our programs? Contact us here!



Stephanie Horwitz
Editor for

I am a storyteller, connector, and community builder, as well as the creator and host of “What Should I Do With My Life?”