Every SAP.iO Foundry Startup Recruitment #AMA in (Almost)500-Words

Dima Durah
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2019


We are looking for the Rising Stars of Tech, startup teams led by exceptional founders that are breaking ground on both the technology and inclusion/diversity front. We’re told it can’t be done, if you’re as audacious as we are then join us at one of our 8 Foundry locations around the world. We want to help accelerate and incubate startup innovation that strategically expands the SAP ecosystem and create value for our customers through mentor-driven programs.

Q. What stage startups are you looking for?

We’re looking for early stage rising stars, with a first investment round behind them or bootstrapped. If you’ve already been through an accelerator program, then even better! What we focus on is your customer base growth above all else.

Q. What about my product?

Your product needs to be customer-ready and tried by a few enterprise customers (small or large, pilots or full implementations) — just waiting for that big push, those warm sale-intros to give your product/service the true market infiltration that you need.

Q. Do I have to be a pitching all-star? Do we need to have our pitch ready?

We don’t expect you to be a show star, but we do want to work with startups that have honed in their pitch as a team. So, what can you expect? You‘ll be going to presentations, customer meetings and events — so we need you to nail that pitch.

Nothing in life is perfect. That’s why we’ve enlisted the very best in the field to tweak your story and ‘room presence’ in order to bring out your inner natural born sales-(wo)man.

Q. Do I need to relocate to Berlin?

You’re busy. We’re all busy people. No we don’t expect you to relocate your team or your family to Berlin, but what we do expect is for the members of the founding team to be there during the program, at least for 3 days a week or the relevant sessions. We would love to meet the whole team during our virtual sessions — we will not let the physical boundaries get in the way.

Also, it would be great to see the whole team on Demo Day!

Q. Did I just read another “Demo Day”?

Yes, at SAP we’re guilty of loving a big show (e.g. SAPPHIRE, SAPNOW, SAP Connect and the list goes on…) so why not celebrate your accomplishments on the same SAP scale. We want to have a Demo Day that gives you the graduation you deserve. So invite your family, friends, mentors and trusted advisors and lets all celebrate your incredible accomplishment.

Q. What to expect during the program?

Weekly customer visits, technical support and guidance on all things SAP and SAP integrations, including B2B sales — yes you will be trained like one of SAP’s very own sales people (via the famed SAP Sales Academy teachers). SAP currently has 400k+ customers - so our sales force is doing something right, no?

GTM experts at SAP and beyond will help you zero-in on your strategy and bring you to a whole new level of ‘enterprise solution’.

The mentors from both SAP and the vibrant startup ecosystem in Berlin, as well as SAP fellows will hold your hand through it all. We are a dedicated SAP unit that is entirely measured by your success!

We want YOU to succeed because that’s literally our KPI!

Real Estate

Are you focused on data, valuation, analytics, workflow tools, and smart buildings? Is your startup leveraging Real Estate big data and the recent gains in the accessibility of big data and new data sets to augment/automate the decision-making process on real estate investment and planning?

Human Resources

Is your startup poised for changing the way Hiring and Career Planning are currently done? Are you in the business of People Analytics and leveraging data generated from personality and performance tests to better predict which types of personalities and strengths perform better in which roles/teams?

Are you building a platform that help connect, optimize and mobilize current human resources to enhance business performance on a global scale?


Are you a fin-tech focused on B2B payments innovation, using blockchain and AI to reduce costs and streamline processes across the board for businesses?


Are you a startup tackling flight booking and tailored travel guides, designed to meet the needs of businesses?

And so much more…if you want to partner with SAP then we want to hear from you.


All of this sounds great but the reality is: we can only work with what you give us and what you bring to the table. So please come prepared to sweat and cry, to question and be questioned about your business, and most importantly come knowing that earth wasn’t created in a day! It’ll be a hard and long journey, one that we will be taking with you not just for the next 13-weeks but for the long haul. This is the long-term relationship you need. We’re looking for the people in tech that want to change everything. The best run startups run with SAP!



Dima Durah

Advising businesses on how to ethically build and sustainability grow with AI and Blockchain technologies