How AI-based recruitment solutions become new Bloomberg in the Talent Acquisition field.

Ainur Mukhanbetzhanova
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2020

COVID-19 made huge changes to the job markets. More and more companies are announcing hiring freeze and massive layoffs. However, does it really mean the whole recruitment has stopped? Well, yes and no.

There is no doubt that companies have to optimize their costs in order to survive. Unfortunately, one of the options is corporate downsizing and as a result, millions of employees worldwide are already notified of a layoff the companies take as an anti-crisis measure.

As more and more people are losing their jobs now, there will be more open applicants for any position posted. The recruiting teams are now facing another challenge with a growing number of applications to be scanned and walked through the process.

As the budget for recruitment has been cut significantly due to cost optimization, a new quest for the recruiters is how to become efficient and do more with less?

This is the point where innovation comes into play. The companies helping the recruiters to make decisions on the candidates and save the money spent per candidate are now the new Bloomberg and Moody’s in the world of recruitment.

SAP.iO Foundry Berlin alumnus — MoBerries is the one in this list.

The explanation is simple — an AI-based self-learning engine can search, scan, and give feedback on candidates based on a customized algorithm. This sounds super ensuring as there is a high percentage of worthy candidates who were accidentally overlooked just because the applicant tracking systems have their own scanning algorithms.

The system gives a recruiter the top-performing candidates’ profiles collected from all external sources available. The engine is integrated into the world’s largest job boards and gives an analytics review on every source used. Based on this analytics the company can prioritize the sourcing tools as not every one of them is equally efficient. MoBerries can drive cost reduction of using sourcing engines by up to 70%.

MoBerries is not only about seeking the right people but creating the whole interaction story: from the moment a candidate was found till the moment s(he) was hired or the reasons it did not happen. Do we really need to say what it means for the companies who care about their reputation as an employer?

MoBerries creates strong analytics on the company’s performance as an employer. The system provides data on the company’s position in the market, industry and compares it with other hiring employers to have a better awareness. being equipped with the right data can save from unnecessary spendings and correct the hiring strategy.

Innovating with SAP & The SAP.iO Foundry Berlin

One of the most benefiting options available with MoBerries for SAP’s customers is its integration with the flagship talent management solution of SAP — Success Factors. As an SAP partner MoBerries helps SAP Success Factors customers to create a cross-company Shared talent network, allowing an SF customer to refer the candidates to another company and get a referral reward. This helps SF customers to exchange the talents and get back the amount they have already spent for a candidate as a referral cost. In the time of crisis, this option is a big help for the companies, who have the challenge of making more with less.

As SAP.iO Foundry Berlin, we are proud to have MoBerries in our family. Get the full overview of the company and meet the people behind it by following this link.

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