Launching the 3rd SAP.iO Foundry Paris Cohort on GreenTech and Sustainable Enterprise

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4 min readOct 9, 2019
GreenTech Cohort kickoff at the Paris Foundry | October 8, 2019

One year after its opening, the SAP accelerator unveils the startups selected for its third GreenTech-oriented promotion

After a first startup promotion focused on supply chain, and a second focused on retail solutions, SAP is putting the spotlight on GreenTech for its third promotion. The selected startups all have in common that they offer their customers technologies to reduce their environmental footprint and enter the circular economy in order to have a positive impact on the world.

The objective of this GreenTech-focused promotion is to address a central issue in the economy, as Sébastien Gibier, Director of SAP.iO Foundry Paris, explains: “SAP has chosen to put its technology at the service of its customers to help them have a positive impact on society and the environment. One of the goals of our digital solutions is to optimize the use of their resources in response to the 17 sustainable development objectives set by the UN. We are convinced that, combined with SAP solutions, the technologies of the selected startups will help companies to respond even more effectively to these challenges. And we can positively respond to the 48% of French people who believe that massive investment is needed in more environmentally friendly technologies**.

The 8 startups of the new SAP.iO cohort will be supported for 10 weeks, 3 days a week, by mentors and coaches from SAP and the startup ecosystem who will hold workshops on different themes.

Here are the French GreenTech startups selected by SAP.iO Foundry Paris:

  • Circunomics: uses big data to recycle and put back on the market the various battery components.
  • Uzer: offers digital solutions to reduce waste and improve recycling performance. The startup developed Eugène, a small box equipped with a screen and a scanner that you can set up near your kitchen bin. All you have to do is scan the barcodes of the packages when you throw them away and Eugene displays the right sorting instructions directly on its screen. This avoids confusion and wasted time when recycling.
  • Evolution Energie: startup specialized in the management of energy purchases for manufacturers. It offers a software solution called “Flexinergy” that provides customers with additional tools and resources to independently control their operations on their contracts and on the energy markets.
  • Hiboo: helps the construction industry to re-invent the way field operations are managed. Hiboo captures and centralizes data from multiple sources, providing strategic insights to optimize processes and unlock new business models.
  • Harold Waste: develops software assistants for waste management and circular economy actors. The startup develops artificial intelligence capable of identifying and qualifying flows of plastics, metals and cardboard.
  • Trinov: offers a SaaS platform to collect and analyze data to reduce at source and optimize waste management of economic activities.
  • Ubleam : designed a new generation bar code, called “bleam”, which facilitates the use and maintenance of objects. This connected 3D tag, once attached to an object, can be scanned on a mobile device and gives access to interactive content, including all the technical documentation for the product concerned.
  • iNex Circular: European industrial waste exchange platform to promote the circular economy on the ground. The company ensures that one company’s waste becomes another company’s resource.

14 startups accelerated by SAP.iO Foundry Paris, 10 of which are directly integrated into SAP solutions, in just 1 year

SAP supports startups at all stages of their life cycle: during their incubation phases through its startup mentoring activities, fundraising with the SAP.iO Fund and acceleration with SAP.iO Foundry Paris. In just one year, SAP.iO Foundry Paris has accelerated two cohorts for a total of 14 startups. Some 600 customer engagements between accelerated startups and 150 SAP customers were made over the same period. In concrete terms, these contacts are developed through the organization of tripartite design thinking workshops between startups, customers and SAP; which make it possible to identify innovations that can be implemented by SAP customers to improve existing solutions. They also take place thanks to investments made in flagship events such as VivaTech and France Digital Day, where accelerator startups are constantly integrated and promoted to the company’s various customers. Finally, SAP does not hesitate to integrate accelerated startups into the tender process to provide customers with an ever more complete value chain for their business.

These connections are not the only benefit for startups: 10 of them have been directly integrated into SAP’s solutions for its customers. Sébastien Gibier also reveals: “To give several examples, three startups from the spring retail cohort have joined forces to drive end-to-end value in the retail sector. These are Mishipay, Connected Retail and Retail Reload, which allows them to fully meet a wider need than initially. This is also what SAP.iO Foundry is all about: showing young companies in the same sector that they are not necessarily competitors but that in fact they can be complementary.”

**Odoxa survey on the subject of GreenTech conducted in September 2019 on a sample of 1,001 people.



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