SAP Data Warehouse Cloud — A Business Opportunity for SAP.iO Startups

Lukas Wesemann
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2022

Hey SAP.iO Startups!

Have you already heard about the business opportunities of the data marketplace for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud?

As of today, analytical usage of external data is the most common Data-as-a-Service use case. You as an SAP.iO startup are in a great position to offer your data as Data-as-a-Service provider on the data marketplace for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. Most startups generate and process data with their innovative solutions and often do not realize how much they could benefit from offering this data to customers in addition to selling their solution on the SAP Store. Interested in learning more about this great opportunity? Keep reading!

So… what exactly is the data marketplace?

The data marketplace for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud was launched in November 2021. It empowers data providers to build and list their data products to address business users in different lines of business and industries across different SAP applications. Designed as digital marketplace, it connects external data providers with SAP customers, all while ensuring high data quality, consistency, and security. The whole data exchange between data providers and data consumers is based on a bilateral agreement between these 2 parties and a decentralized exchange. SAP does not store the data centrally but provides a fast and easy channel for search, communication, and all type of solutions for further actions with the data.

Figure 1: Data Marketplace — How it works

And now to the most interesting part!

There are some special benefits for SAP.iO Startups as data providers which make the business opportunities of the data marketplace particularly valuable to you.

  • Very high credibility. Partnering with SAP and being represented in front of more than 440,000 SAP customers is an indicator of the quality and level of your startup, your product, and the data you provide. You can leverage this success story when meeting customers and to promote your SAP Store page.
  • Much easier access to the data marketplace. SAP.iO assists their startups with preparation and onboarding. It can be difficult for a non-SAP.iO startup to start a partnership with SAP. So, make sure to take the opportunity you get as one of our trusted startup partners.
  • Personalized support. The SAP.iO team considers each startup’s use case individually, then consults and advises on how best to present the case and move forward from there.
  • Access to the SAP ecosystem. SAP.iO Startups on the Data Marketplace are more likely to have access to other startup focused initiatives like Grow by SAP. The increased exposure generally opens a vast number of doors to the SAP world and customer base.

What about the costs?

Great News! SAP.iO provides startups with free-of-charge access to an SAP Data Warehouse Cloud tenant, incl. its data management and analytics capabilities. This will allow you to develop, test your data offering and list it on the data marketplace. Please note that license fees will apply once a customer purchases your data. With free system access, resources, and expert support, SAP.iO startups can quickly get listed and target their first customers at no costs.

For customers, the integration with Data Warehouse Cloud is seamless: Every SAP Data Warehouse Cloud customer will be able to access the data marketplace without any additional licenses, connectivity, or transfer requirements. Data consumers have easy and intuitive access to the offers of data providers through the data sharing cockpit.

Figure 2: SAP DWC Data Marketplace — Data Sharing Cockpit

Success Stories

Datarade — the world’s biggest Data Commerce platform that lists more than 2,000 Data Providers curated across 350 data categories — has recently started a strategic partnership with SAP to make its data available on the data marketplace for SAP Warehouse Cloud. This is what Thani Shamsi, Co-Founder & CEO at Datarade had to say about the data marketplace:

“SAP Data Warehouse provides all the necessary tools to get insights and business value from acquired data. By integrating Datarade data providers into the data marketplace for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud, customers do not need to import external data themselves. SAP customers get external data in clicks, not projects within SAP Data Warehouse Cloud.”

To learn more about the opportunities as data provider on the data marketplace for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud you can also look into the success stories of other SAP.iO startups like, parcelLab and Shippeo.

Interested? Contact us.

If you want to become a data provider on the data marketplace for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud fill out this SAP.iO form. If you want more information, check out our website!

