#5 So, what is our task for ‘SHE’ investments ?

SAP Social Sabbatical
2 min readFeb 14, 2018

So far it has been a great start, its time to talk about our task to help our client organization ‘SHE’ Investments. The reason SAP team is in Cambodia!

SHE ‘Support Her Enterprise’ our client organization helps women entrepreneurs in Cambodia with their training and mentoring services. Their goal is to “support women with micro, small and growing businesses to scale, creating social and economic impact for communities”.

They were located above the Cafe 369 — a cool coffee place with real vegetarian menu choices !! But last week the office relocated to a bigger location few km. away !!

How do we help SHE ?

SHE educates women entrepreneurs via training and mentoring program(s). Their two main program(s) are conducted twice a year. With a modest growth plan, their current tool designed to provide a summary report is very manual and tedious effort. Their ask for us is to help them with a prototype for such a tool to support their growth plan. Sounds simple a task ? But its not.

So for the week we met with stake holders of the company — Celia, James, Lida and Manet. With meetings, discussions, brainstorm sessions from the first week we understood the process , challenges, tasks etc. And, researched to identify few tools that could help them. But very soon we realized that we are not in a stage to look for a solution yet !

So, we took a step back and planned to start using ‘Design Thinking Approach’ and map a ‘customer journey map’ and list down their end to end process identifying the steps, pain points, challenges and areas for improvement.

To be continued in blog #7

