#8 — More about Cambodia

SAP Social Sabbatical
3 min readFeb 15, 2018

Early this week, the team watched the move ‘First they killed my father’ directed by Angelina Jolie. It’s about millions of people who lost their lives during the Khmer Rouge. That was one serious movie, I thought!! When speaking about the movie with locals whose grandparents witnessed the reigme, mentioned that what was shown in the movie is just the tip of iceberg, it was much more. That is unimaginable!!

One of my colleague at work, asked me to write more about Cambodia. So, in this blog will be writing about the most daily things that I notice.

Currency — USD is the primary currency, but the bills need to be crisp and uncut. The ATM’s in USA dispensed me few 20$ bills which were a bit aged, those are hard to use in Cambodia. If its even a slight tear, cut on the bill, then better take it back to USA. And ha, there is no coin currency, only bills !

Commute — There is single seat cycle rides, 3 seater rickshaw, 6 seater tuk-tuk , individual 2 wheelers and needless to say lots of cars and suv’s — Lexus, Toyota, Honda are very common. But there are Bently, Merc, Ferarri on roads. Rickshaws ride being the most economical cost approx. 1000 (25c) less per km. than Tuk-Tuks.

People : People are warm and are smiling always. They enjoy outdoors. On weekends they gather at night markets and have food in food court and sit in groups on floor mats to eat together. They speak Khmeer (pronounce as ka-mai). Very few speak English slowly but fluently.

Tips : Rickshaw drivers, restaurants etc do not expect tips. Unless you go back to them and mention a note of thanks, they accept it with a million dollar smile. I happen to give the tuk-tuk driver 2$ when the cost was 6,500 Riels. He promptly was counting the change back, but I said Okum (Thank you!) and asked him to keep the change, he was so happy and could see the big smile on his face !

An hour of coconut oil massage at rabbit island was under 13$ depending on what oil of your choice, foot scrub was 6$. Upon your session completion, she promptly gives back even few cents of change after massaging for an hour ! They only keep it if you ask them to and do not expect at all !

Food — There is plenty, all cuisine everywhere. From roadside to fine dining. Me being a vegetarian reminds me of the saying — “water , water everywhere not a drop to drink”. But I do find coconut shake and ice-cream and is so delicious. I had only had coconut water before my trip but the ice-cream and shakes are addictive. Fine dining entrée would cost around 5–7$. Regular restaurants would be a 1.50$ and a 1.50$ for a fruit shake or Coffee/Tea.

This weekend also happens to be the ‘Chinese New Year’. Lots of shops and businesses are closed to observe the same. There was a procession where 2 kids stacking over each other danced in costume as shown below.

It has been a busy schedule but with some ‘me’ time. Without having to do the chores and cooking, I must say, I am enjoying my ‘me’ time. Trying to keep up healthy eating (no choice !), short distance runs next to river (amazing !), blogging (never did it before !), and simple things like applying lotion or cream ! Seriously, these tasks that were neglected so long, now trying to use this ‘me’ time very effectively! Stay tuned for more..

