Addis Ababa

Wolfgang Fassnacht
SAP Social Sabbatical
4 min readApr 25, 2017


Last year I participated in the first ever Executive Social Sabbatical we had at SAP — and I had an exceptional time in Ghana. These days I am in Addis Ababa as the mentor for this year´s Executive Social Sabbatical program. What a great opportunity again! Back to the land of laughter, back to the land of energy, simply great!

Unfortunately, most news about Africa are negative, they tell stories about war, about hunger, about corruption, about the elite transferring billions into other countries for their own sake, etc. And sure, these stories are true. But there is so much more to discover on this beautiful continent, so much more on the positive side which should be shared. I want to do this with one example I encounter here these days: I meet great Ethiopian women and men, who work hard for the greater good, who want to have an impact and change this country to the better. For them it is about purpose, not about money.

There is Eyob Tolina, who studied in the US and then worked for the Ethiopian government in Washington. He had a nice job and decent live. But he simply could not stand it any longer to only watch from far how his home country is evolving. He wanted to be part of it and came back. Now he is here to use his tremendous network to kick-off businesses, and do something good for the country. In our program he acts as the local Pyxera consultant (Pyxera is the company who works with us on all Social Sabbaticals worldwide). In this role he helps with everything the participants of the Sabbatical might need here — from introducing them to the projects and explaining the cultural background of Ethiopia, to organizing taxis and dinner. Nothing he needs to do for a living, he simply wants to help. Great guy, great character, great discussion with him — once you get to talk to him, as normally he answers 26 phone calls within every 10 minutes.

There is Eleni Gabre-Madhin, who did many different things in her life, and now started a platform which helps start-ups in the agriculture sector to be successful. It already shows some impressive results.

There are Panos Haztiandreas and Ezra Mengistu Nigassie, who have been abroad as well, and then came back to set up a high school for kids who would not be able to pay for first-class education. All who are accepted to the high school get a 100% scholarship. And the education they get is just excellent. They learn so much more than the standard foresees, it is a “Curriculum Plus” they experience. When you enter the school the educational goals and traditional Ethiopian values are depicted to the right of the main door.

At many places you find traditional symbols, which as well help to create a very unique culture. And there are many more initiatives. You feel the spirit this creates any minute you are on the compound!

There are many other examples of men and women who belong to the elite of Ethiopia, but instead of trying to make as much money they can, they want to bring this beautiful country to the next level. Amazing, it really touches me! There a millions of talented young people here in Ethiopia, they just need some help, they need to be given the opportunity to use and show their potential. And here people like Eyob, Eleni, Panos and Ezra make the difference!

And that is the Africa I love! You get addicted to feel this positive energy, this plethora of opportunities you see everywhere. And I am more and more convinced: There is enough wealth and money here in the continent (but surely not distributed in a way you could call fair). The real need is on education, experience sharing and network building. And that is why SAP is doing exactly the right thing with the Social Sabbatical program, it is targeted precisely in the right direction.

Feel free to call me naïve, but I am convinced: Good creates good!

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