Beginning of my Social Sabbatical in Quito

Tobias Lorentz
SAP Social Sabbatical
2 min readSep 30, 2018

All started in mid of july where i got the e-mail that I can participate in the Social Sabbatical in Quito Ecuador. After sleeping a night and many talks to friends and family members, i came to the conclusion that i should take this “once in a lifetime” chance to step out of may daily job and try something new which also will help the people in Quito to hopefully “improve their lives”.

Begin of september we started with a 6 week prework phase where we got to know our team mates, the people from Pyxera Global as well as the organizations which we will support.

I will be working for Lab XXI, a social enterprise which educates teachers in a modern learning program named “Youth People Development” (we will have the chance to see the program “live” in a school, then i can tell more on it) together with my two subteam Melanie from France and Sabari from California.

The last six week where flying over so quickly. Since yesterday i am now onsite in Quito, which is the highest capital of the world at an altitude of 2800m. It was a long trip. I started a 11am german time and arrive at 3 am Quito time at the hotel. I got woken up yesterday by the nice sunrise at 6 am after just 3 hours of sleep. During noon we hiked down the valley to the “convention de franciscano”, a really nice building. Then we went to a nice restaurant we we enjoyed our first joined lunch, even that no yet all team mates had arrived at that time.

At the evening we got an introduction the original equadorian food, which was really delicous.

In the meanwhile all team mates arrived and the program oficially starts at 9:30 with further introduction sessions. Event that we just know each over since mid of july, it feels like meeting old friends.

Looking forward to the next days and meeting the people from our client organization in person!

Below you see a picture from a nice place next to the hotel. It shows the valley south east of quito with the snow covered vulcano “Cotopaxi” in the back.

