Back to School Days…Nostalgia…

Sunny Pahuja
SAP Social Sabbatical
2 min readJul 24, 2017

There is something special about school days which we never forget in our lives. We steer through different phases of our life. Of those, the times spent in school are the best memories of our life.

Last week was very busy as we (Clay, Chyna and me) sailed through difference discussions from strategy to marketing to communication to the Human resource. As we are racing against time, we are learning so many things.

On Friday, I was lost in memories of my school days when we used to study, laugh, eat, play and fight together. For one moment, I thought I was back to my old-school days. I was sitting in a time machine to travel 15 years back.

We were invited by Vision for Youth to attend their weekly session on Health Education in a primary school. We (Clay, Chyna and me) visited Elerai Secondary School in Arusha.

Elerai Secondary School where we (Clay, Chyna and me) visited last week
Same school bags which I used to carry 15 years back

We went there along with Vedastus from Vision for Youth. Vedastus introduced us with the students and requested us to give our short introduction. Clay started with his introduction. After Clay, I started with my introduction that I am Sunny Pahuja from “India”. I was about to start my second line but students started clapping and shouting. I was thinking “did I say something funny”. But then Vedastus told us that student like India very much as they relate it to “Bollywood”. I felt so good about it.

Vedastus is giving session to students

We had a short discussion with the students where we asked them to write something about Vision for Youth and they wrote so many good things about Vision for Youth.

Students are writing few words for Vision for Youth

On way, back, I saw few students playing football. For a moment, I closed my eyes and said “aahha”. Reluctantly, I steered my time machine to present.

Students playing football

Ah! Those were the days…



Sunny Pahuja
SAP Social Sabbatical

Technology Enthusiast, Traveler, Foodie & Nature Lover.. Learning along the way