Bridging Innovation and Impact: A Glimpse into my Social Sabbatical in São Paulo

Simon Poll
SAP Social Sabbatical
3 min readApr 27, 2024

Greetings from São Paulo!

Despite an unforeseen setback when our project manager, Laura, injured her foot, our team’s spirit remains unbroken, adapting swiftly to keep the momentum going with her remotely.

Saminder, Heather an me are Team ImpactHub

Despite an unforeseen setback when our project manager, Laura, injured her foot, our team’s spirit remains unbroken, adapting swiftly to keep the momentum going with her remotely.

Week Two: Progress and Interactions

This past week has been a whirlwind of activities. We’ve engaged directly with the heart of Impact Hub — entrepreneurs, makers, and key figures like the CEO and CFO. Our activities ranged from creating personas to help understand Impact Hub’s diverse users, to refining data systems with Carlos, a skilled data analyst at the Hub.

A highlight of our week was the opportunity to work out of AyaHub São Paulo, where we were inspired by a speech from its co-founder, Alexandre Allard. His vision for social entrepreneurship invigorated our approach towards our project tasks.

Inspiring place to work — AyaHub Sao Paulo

Learning and Integrating

Every day is a learning curve. Engaging with Impact Hub’s community — listening to their stories and understanding their needs — has not only informed our approach but also provided a deeper insight into the vibrant Brazilian entrepreneurial spirit. Our team has also started to lay down a framework that Impact Hub can use to expand their digital presence, ensuring they can connect with their community more effectively, regardless of geographic boundaries.

Cultural Immersion and Building Connections

The cultural aspect of this sabbatical has been profoundly enriching. I am continuously amazed by the warmth and vibrancy of Brazilian culture. Today, we have been invited by Laura for a traditional Brazilian BBQ, a wonderful opportunity to experience local customs and cuisine firsthand. It’s these moments of shared experiences that strengthen our bonds and enrich our understanding of the communities we aim to serve.

Looking Ahead

With two more weeks to go, our focus is now on consolidating our findings and strategizing potential revenue streams for Impact Hub. We plan to finalize our research and recommendations, explore further revenue resources, and develop a handbook for ongoing data management to ensure sustainability and scalability for Impact Hub’s initiatives.

Reflections on a Transformative Journey

This sabbatical is more than just a professional assignment; it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience that blends skill-sharing with cultural exchange. I am incredibly grateful for the chance to work closely with my SAP colleagues, learn from the tenacious entrepreneurs at Impact Hub, and immerse myself in the rich tapestry of Brazilian culture. Sharing these experiences with my colleagues back home offers a glimpse into the transformative impact that such engagements have on both our professional lives and personal growth.


Stay tuned as we continue our journey, striving to make a meaningful impact and learning with every step take in this vibrant city of São Paulo.

