Changing Lives, One Step at a Time: Reflections from APPEL

SAP Social Sabbatical
6 min readJun 5, 2023

“Expertise isn’t a prerequisite for making a difference. It’s the willingness to grow and give our best every day that truly counts.”

I was one of 12 employees participating in SAP’s biggest Corporate Social Responsibility program. Our journey took us to Port Louis, Mauritius, where we were assigned to various projects. My specific mission was to to contribute to the professionalisation of HR processes in APPEL, an inspiring NGO dedicated to offering hope to substance abuse victims and aiding their successful reintegration into society.

Here’s the interesting part: I’m not an HR expert.

The Rising Soley assembled!

“Over the course of four weeks, we embraced the power of cumulative efforts, delivering our best work each day. Despite grappling with impostor syndrome and anxiety, we trusted the process, took one step at a time, [...] As a result, the documents began to take shape.”

What is the SAP Social Sabbatical program? Why us?

The SAP Social Sabbatical is a transformative global pro-bono consulting program that unites 12 SAP employees from diverse cultures and backgrounds. In partnership with nonprofits and social enterprises, our team brings forth professional expertise, soft skills, and unwavering motivation to create a lasting impact.

First orientation session. Finally all together in Port Louis.

Through the exceptional collaboration between PYXERA Global and SAP, our profiles were matched with the specific needs of local organizations. After an exhaustive selection process, the Mauritius cohort celebrated the formation of the “Rising Soley” team, comprising exceptional SAP employees from eight different countries. United by a shared purpose, we embraced SAP’s motto of helping the world run better and improving people’s lives.

APPEL: Rebuilding lives, inspiring transformation. A beacon of hope and extraordinary change.

APPEL, a center of transformative rehabilitation, extends its guidance to residents through a profound journey of adaptation, rebuilding self-confidence, and preparation for reintegration into mainstream society. Supported by staff embodying exceptional qualities akin to superheroes, residents develop positive habits, self-awareness, and an unwavering drive, embracing integral values of integrity, accountability, and respect.

APPEL’s everyday heroes.

APPEL’s commendable success rate of 55% in reintegrating residents into society stands as a testament to its role as a beacon of hope and catalyst for extraordinary change, providing a nurturing environment that inspires profound transformations.

The 3 of us with Juanita (2nd right), APPEL’s centre manager

“Effective communication with the center manager played a crucial role. Real-life cases brought to the table and ongoing feedback helped us identify open questions and areas of focus”

Three of us were incredibly fortunate to be assigned to this truly inspiring project for a period of four weeks.

Our assignment: Create an organizational handbook for APPEL in under 4 weeks.

The scope of this organizational HR guide is to outline expected employee behavior, communicate APPEL’s values, and adhere to Mauritian labor laws. Our goal is to establish a professional, process-oriented approach, particularly for HR procedures like attendance, leave, and misconduct. Additionally, the handbook will define the expected behaviour of staff towards each other and the residents, fostering a positive organizational culture.

Painting of APPEL’s centre.

Navigating the nuances of HR matters was challenging, [..] we overcame this by translating legal language into everyday terms, […] and providing supplementary documentation to clarify complex concepts.

Although we approached this task as non-experts, we quickly realized that a combination of common sense and a wholehearted commitment to doing our best was the key to progress. Over the course of four weeks, we embraced the power of cumulative efforts, delivering our best work each day. Despite grappling with impostor syndrome and anxiety, we trusted the process, took one step at a time, and found answers within the legal fabric of Mauritius. As a result, the documents began to take shape.

Effective communication with the center manager played a crucial role. Real-life cases brought to the table and ongoing feedback helped us identify open questions and areas of focus. This collaborative approach ensured that we stayed on track, making steady progress towards our goal.

Creating the organizational handbook was an incredibly fulfilling experience. Here’s a snapshot of our journey:

  1. Meticulous Planning: We carefully mapped out each step, ensuring alignment with the Mauritian Workers Rights Act of 2019.
  2. Engaging with Authorities: Collaborating closely with the Ministry of Labour, we received valuable guidance to ensure legal compliance.
  3. Staff Interviews: Meaningful conversations with the staff provided essential insights into their HR-related challenges and needs.
  4. Center Manager’s Perspective: Understanding the center manager’s daily struggles allowed us to address specific use cases effectively.

Together, we crafted a concise and impactful organizational handbook that not only meets legal requirements but also fosters a positive work environment, empowering both the staff and residents.

Navigating the nuances of HR matters was challenging, as solutions often depended on context. However, we overcame this by translating legal language into everyday terms, creating additional forms as needed, and providing supplementary documentation to clarify complex concepts.

Ivan, Sandra, and Rajni handling the Mauritian Workers Rights Act to Juanita (2nd left)

The final deliverable surpassed the initial expectations, leaving us with a sense of pride as we departed the island, knowing that we had given our utmost effort.

An unforgettable journey.

Working at APPEL taught me the invaluable lesson that expertise isn’t a prerequisite for making a difference. It’s the willingness to grow and give our best every day that truly counts. Our project, despite lacking HR expertise, proved that with the right intent and effort, we could create something meaningful. The superheroes at APPEL continue to inspire me to fearlessly embrace new challenges, knowing that commitment and determination yield incredible impact.

“It was the stories we shared, the meaningful experiences we cherished, and the deep bonds we formed that truly made our journey unforgettable.”

Participating in this program has completely transformed my perception of SAP. Through the eyes of my fellow 11 colleagues, representing different areas, solutions, and countries, I gained a deeper understanding of the company. This experience provided a unique opportunity to break down silos and build bridges, fostering a sense of connection and unity. Engaging in meaningful conversations with talented individuals whom I admire has not only enriched my knowledge but also made me a better version of myself.

Enjoying the local food! Maybe a bit too much for two?

During our weekends in Mauritius, we embarked on thrilling adventures, hiking through breathtaking landscapes, immersing ourselves in the rich history and culture of the island, and indulging in the delicious local cuisines. But it wasn’t just about the activities; it was the stories we shared, the meaningful experiences we cherished, and the deep bonds we formed that truly made our journey unforgettable.

I feel fortunate to have been a part of this journey, and I return with renewed motivation and inspiration.

Dinners and excursions forged real bonds :)



SAP Social Sabbatical

Working for the life I want, trying to make the world a bit kinder.