Children Our Next leaders!!!

Ricky Virdi
SAP Social Sabbatical
2 min readFeb 24, 2018

Team SAP visit schools, villages, churches and shopping areas to meet with children and see the “light & innocence” within them. #sapsocialsabbatical.

Children from Nest of Herman School

It’s probably been the most magical exploration of the sabbatical so far.

I remember: The hugs; the handshakes; the high-fives; the football; the singing; the dancing; the posing for photo’s; the touching of our foreign (mzungu) skin; the fondling of our hair; the wonder of our ways; the love that poured from them and the gaze of hope and glory!

Did you know?:

· Children in Africa are facing extreme hunger and a devastating food crisis. Uganda is now the largest refugee hosting nation in Africa, with over 1 million refugees. There are fears that at the current pace, there will be nearly 1 million child refugees in Uganda by the end of 2017

· More than half of Uganda’s children live in vulnerable situations: they are orphans, or children living in a household headed by another child; they are homeless and living on the street; they are child labourers; they are girls who are mothers before they’ve had a chance to grow up

· Uganda is failing to protect homeless children against police abuse and other violence, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Street children throughout Uganda’s urban centres face violence, and physical and sexual abuse.

· Number of street children in Uganda up by 70%. Print Email. The number of street children has risen to 10,000 in the past few years, marking a 70 percent increase.

· 1.5m children in Uganda have no parental care

These children will be our future and emerge to be amongst our leaders. Let’s together help and support them to be the greatest

This short video encapsulates the experience!!

