Closing Our BIM-Project: Weeks 3 and 4 Fly By

Brigitte Schultz
SAP Social Sabbatical
2 min readMay 4, 2019

April 15–26, 2019

We are just back from the closing event of our SAP Social Sabbatical, and it’s hard to believe that the four sabbatical weeks are over!

This last week started with a very special event: The Zhengweining Charity Foundation awarded our BIM team, Carolina, Chris and myself, for our project work, and the CANYOU staff organized a very nice ceremony and press conference for us. On April 23, the Shenzhen Daily even reported about our work.

Link to article

What a motivation for us to gather and summarize our work results! In the past week, we had already trained the staff in using our project management approach and customized the performance and rewards management system to CANYOU’s needs. With the help of our project assistants, we had also researched various training options for employees in all career levels.

Now, it was about clarifying some last questions and documenting everything for the final presentation on May 25. This was a special moment to us, and we invited our customers to the Shenzhen SAP office and walked them through our deliverables. We were happy when they confirmed that our work was helpful for them — and when they left the office on floor 24 of the Kerry Plaza building, we knew that the closing ceremony on the next day would be the time to say good-bye.

Our customers and project assistants after the final presentation at SAP, Shenzhen

We are glad that we could summarize our project experience and show them our gratitude for being great hosts with a small video in today’s ceremony. On the day before, our project assistant Candice had patiently supported our first steps with a video software and helped us with a bi-lingual version. Looking at all the pictures in our clip brings back so many memories from four weeks, which will remain unforgettable to us. We are grateful for all the valuable experiences we could make in April 2019 in Shenzhen — thank you, SAP and Pyxera, for making this possible!

After the closing ceremony

