Don’t you dare waste my time Madam ‘Self’

Jane Bronn
SAP Social Sabbatical
3 min readApr 13, 2023

My flight awaits, my luggage packed, the time has come to embark on my Social Sabbatical challenge in Vietnam. One that will last for 4 weeks, away from my family, from my familiar routine, away from my usual comforts. I sit at my kitchen table sipping a cup of tea while chatting to my mother in law. Who by the way has flown across continents to visit us but yet contends with my four weeks soon- to- be absence.

‘What's in it for you Jane, forget what it is for SAP, what’s in it for you personally?’ She asked curiously...

I thought of this question before I even entertained the idea of accepting the invitation to participate in the program. It’s got to count for something, it’s got to be substitutable by nothing else. And then I thought…I have to do it justice, I have to get out of my own way, I have to release myself from my self imposed ‘cannot-s’. Soon enough, I was raising my voice (not shouting just passionately talking to self) telling my inner being, you got no time to waste madam J.

This then is a blog to self, a public articulation of my deliberate intentions for this engagement. A measuring gauge of personal success.

  1. Did I Grow?

My continuous pursuit for progressive growth keeps me alive, it keeps me engaged, it gives me contentment to know that I am not a stump. Everyday I will choose to exploit the potential within me, to reach higher, for there is so much more to behold, so much more to pursue, so much of me, yet to become.

2. Did I Serve?

I came across the token I received from my university chancellor when I graduated. To each of the undergraduates, he handed us a white towel with inscriptions ‘Go out and be Servant Leaders’ What a timely reminder! To serve others is to honor humanity, its to acknowledge our spiritual interconnection as the human species regardless of race, gender, social class or whatever else. Its nourishment for the soul.

3. Did I make a difference?

Somebody needs the knowledge, the skills or the insights that I have. Somebody needs me to keep showing up and show up at my best. Somebody needs my perspective, my wisdom. Somebody needs me to look them in the eye and nod my head in acknowledgement of who they are, what they do. I may not speak their language, but without a word, I will let them know they are seen, that they are heard.

4. Did I live?

The only assurance I have is this moment now. I will live this moment fully present, fully engaged, fully authentic. In this moment now, I will notice the beauty around me, I will absorb the cultural riches, I will sip my Vietnamese coffee slowly and let my nostrils delight in it’s aroma. My eyes will delight in the beauty of the land and my taste buds will experience exotic flavors like never before.

I better not miss my flight!

