Final week in Dakar

Thomas Bitterle
SAP Social Sabbatical
3 min readAug 2, 2019

Time to wrap up and say goodbye

In the last week, we mainly focused on finishing and finalizing our deliverables and handing them over to the respective people at our client. We had a few knowledge transfer sessions and recorded a few short videos to which our client can later refer to again.

We also created a final presentation that was delivered on Thursday at the client. Everyone joined us and wanted to see our final results, wanted to hear our impression we gained in those four weeks and wanted to spend some time together again for the very last time. After the presentation we had lunch together (delicious Yassa Poulet) and enjoyed the last chocolate bars and sweets from the Tampa, Prague and Zurich.

Final day at the client — having lunch together, taking group pictures and leaving marks behind on the commenting wall

On Friday all four groups and representatives of all clients came together again — just like on the very first day. We had the chance to present the results of our Social Sabbatical to everyone and explain the way how we got there. From the initial Scope of Work, the revised one after the first discussions with the clients to the final deliverables.
It was interesting to see where every group started and how things changed over the four weeks. At the end, all groups — but especially the clients were very happy with the results and want to keep the momentum and apply/use the deliverables.
Most of us also seized the chance to show their traditional Senegalese dresses they got and thus it was a very bright and colorful day.

All four groups including client representatives (left) and the 12 SAP Social Sabbatical participants (right)

The first people of our group leave on Friday evening already. Most of the others will leave Dakar throughout Saturday. For some work starts already on Monday again. All of us will definitely have a lot to tell back home and maybe also bring some Senegalese culture back with us.

I would like to thank SAP (special thanks to our managers who supported us in coming to Dakar — but also Hemang & Marcelo for the organisation), PYXERAGlobal (epsecially Ellie, Kristen and Tidian for their great support, both onsite and remote), our project assistants and a very special thank you to the four host clients!

Jërëjëf! Jaraama! Merci!

