Florianópolis Week 3: Actualizing Deliverables

Fouad Sadik
SAP Social Sabbatical
6 min readNov 8, 2017

Week 3 (October 23rd to 29th) was a continuation to fine tune the deliverable items for Semente Negócios at Impact Hub Floripa. As a sub-team, Anna, JP, and I put an objective for the end of this week to be the final week to finalize our topics. Although we still have the fourth week, we knew that time will pass by quickly and this week will fly fast.

Daily meetings at IMPACT HUB Floripa
At Semente we made it happen!

Ms. Anna Wypior worked on finalizing the communication plan & strategy to build a brand as trusted advisor, opportunity to commission a “top entrepreneurial communities index” for brand thought leadership / PR, finalizing opportunities concept for Massive Open Online Course (MooC), roll-out plan for Semente ERC, and defining KPI for communication with Ms. Alline Goulart, communication expert, and Ms. Julia Fulco, design expert, from Semente Negócios team.

Ms. Anna Wypior is Lead for Strategic Projects, Global SAP University Alliances
Ms. Alline Goulart, communication expert, and Ms. Julia Fulco, design expert, from Semente Negócios team

Mr. JP Finnell worked on 2020 Roadmap to the Semente Brazil Entrepreneur Network, BMC Workshop, finalizing Business Model Canvas for Value Creation/Capturing 1H/2H 2018, reviewing Alumni Data Quality Analysis to drive Value Capturing assumptions. He worked on closing Open Loop of Gain Creators/Pain Relivers for Acceleration Services. Completed graphic to visualize Blue Ocean strategy to Get Most Leverage from Both Impact and Digital Entrepreneur Customer Segments.

Mr. JP Finnell is Senior Director Go To Market, Chief Innovation Office

In regard to Data and Systems, I worked on finalizing the analyses on their existing data, finalizing the architectural data models to articulate Semente Negócios business models with centralized database. Analyzed markets available tools and did intensive comparisons with advantages / disadvantages. Provided recommendations for customer relationship management software, visualizations, survey gathering and social networking platforms.

DataBox to visualize KPIs from various data sources
Customer Relationship Management software that offers sales and campaign functionalities
Architectural data model was developed to track entrepreneurs progress through Semente Negócios lifecycle of lead, candidate, participant and alumnus
Oxwall was recommended for social network development to be Semente Alumni Community Platform

By Friday of this week, Social Good Brazil had their festival for two days at Impact Hub Floripa at Acate site. It was a great opportunity to meet entrepreneurs who are attending Semente Negócios training and who are candidates for its Alumni community. As well it was a networking arena for social development, entrepreneurship, and inspiring big vision for great values of a future Semente’s summit.

Ms. Anna Wypior and Mr. Fouad Sadik networking with Semente Negócios entrepreneurs
Part of Social Good Brazil Festival
Socializing and networking at Social Good Brazil Festival

At the end of week 3, I traveled to Iguazu Falls together with Mr. Mathias Braje from SAP Social Sabbatical sub-team FUCAS. I am from Canada, and in Ontario we have Niagara Falls that I have seen for more than 10 times. It is beautiful as well, but nothing in comparison to Iguazu Falls and that’s why I made it my weekend trip. It was the best vacation so far.

The name “Iguazu” comes from the Guarani or Tupi words “y”, meaning “water”, and “ûasú “[waˈsu], meaning “big”. Legend says a deity planned to marry a beautiful woman named Naipí, who fled with her mortal lover Tarobá in a canoe. In a rage, the deity sliced the river, creating the waterfalls and condemning the lovers to an eternal fall. Love for eternity!

Iguazu Falls Panoramic View
The Devil’s Throat is U-shaped, 82 by 150 by 700 metres (269 ft × 492 ft × 2,297 ft).

While in Iguassu city, I navigated together with Mathias the local transportation bus network. Taxis are by far the most expensive transportation, while Uber is always half a price of what Taxi can charge. Unfortunately, Uber does not serve Iguassu city and left us no choice only to use local transportation. It was the best choice ever. For only 3.5 R$ we were able to travel around in comparison to what taxi can offer for 40 R$.

Bus stop terminal at Iguassu city

On Sunday of the same weekend, I visited Itaipu Dam in Iguassu. Itaipu means “the sounding stone”. The Itaipu Dam’s hydroelectric power plant produced the most energy of any in the world as of 2016, setting a new world record of 103,098,366 megawatt hours (MWh), and surpassed the Three Gorges Dam plant in 2015 and 2016 in energy production. It was completed in 1984, it is a bi-national undertaking run by Brazil and Paraguay at the border between the two countries, 15 km north of the Friendship Bridge.

We are all excited for the great experiences we gained with Social Sabbatical. Helping local nonprofit organizations achieve their utmost potential, while at the same time developing our own personal values. Week 3 ended, and next week 4 is our final week at Floripa. It is sad to see time passes fast, but not to forget great opportunities are always within our hands and more is coming!

Impact Hub work space at Floripa

