Getting ready

Daniel Souza
SAP Social Sabbatical
2 min readOct 22, 2019
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash

Once your application is accepted you will be invited for a phone interview. This was really like a job interview which I wasn’t expecting to be like it was but I do understand the purpose and it is valuable.

Next you get an e-mail saying you have been selected which is a super happy moment! You are part of the SAP Social Sabbatical program! Congrats!
This was… end of July. Rewinding a little bit, the process started late April, confirmation late July, assignment is late September which means… you have to be patient!

After that there is a very structured program laid out by our amazing Program Manager Kotheid Nicoue, 5 weeks before the assignment which will cover practicalities about the country like money, food, security, transportation, electrical sockets, attire, methodologies that your team can leverage during the assignment and of course this is the moment when you will get to know who you will be working with, your host organization and the challenges your team will tackle. Alumni will also be in the call to share their experiences.

These calls are really important to set the mindset, as we are busy bees in our daily responsibilities, the meetings help prepare, start engaging with the team, learn a lot about SAP too, your vision of the world starts expanding here already and the calls are very much practical. The call do require a bit of preparation from our side but it has a good return on investment.

You will also need to organize your flight, visa and if you find it relevant go to the doctor to check on vaccinations for the target country. On my medical appointment, I had quite an interesting learning on the reasons we should go there, even if in my mind the country is tagged as ‘super safe’ from a health perspective. We are all more or less of familiar with disease outbreaks in Europe and US due to anti-vaccination movements so better safe than sorry.
In addition you should also become familiar with the two databases below and consult them EVERYTIME before you go abroad. Then you make your decision whether it’s worthwhile to see the doctor or not. It’s really better to be prepared and informed rather than facing the consequences just because you were careless. It’s a minimal effort in terms of money and time comparing to what you can face just because you were careless as the information is at the tip of your hands.
These databases are not a replacement for a proper consultation with a qualified physician but to support your decision!

Now… it’s time to pack and go!

