Ghana Game Changers — Part 2: Week-end in the Volta region

SAP Social Sabbatical
5 min readOct 10, 2016
Long table of awesome people :)

A working week has already been gone, time goes by so fast.. We all went out to a jazz live bar in Accra called +233 for our first Friday night out. That was AWESOME, artists were very good and played famous (like Beyoncé ^^) and local musics. #nolimit Back to my new room (actually I changed room because of a strong smell of chicken food in my room), I felt water on my feet while rinsing my mouth after I had brushed my teeth. Then, I set up my alarm clock to 6 am to make sure I have enough time to take a real shower ;). The bad thing is that I did not realize the alarm clock was set to working days … And I don’t know how but a thought like ‘you should check the clock’ popped up in my head and it was 6.28 am oh oh I hurried up to pack my stuff ..


You should know that any short or long trips in Ghana take time. Our awesome sabbatical team introduced a change in the meaning of GMT: Ghana Maybe Time ahah ! You never know how long your trip will take you because of traffic, rain, rocky, bumpy, and unfinished roads. Road conditions are very bumpy so your speed reaches up to 50 km/h but sometimes, the driver gets bored so you can drive 100km/h !!!! It’s quite tough to sleep in a 20–25 seats bus but no matter how tough it was, I slept a few hours like a baby.

It took us 5 hours to reach the Monkeys sanctuary. We attracted the monkeys with bananas obviously and they suddenly showed up. Monkeys were magnificent and had fun jumping from shoulders to shoulders

Nice pic of Ricardo
Ahah nice shot !
No, I’m not pooping!

Back on the road, we went up to the top of a mountain where there is the highest settlement. People were celebrating a festival. As you can see, it was extremely difficult to climb that mountain.. ok just kiddin’, my feet were on a rock ;).

Selfie time :) Great job Sahar (next time, don’t shiver ahah)
When nature and SAP team meet up ;)
Freaking out :)

On Sunday, we left the hotel at 6 in the morning. Direction: the waterfalls. It was a long ride through the jungle with very bad conditions. Actually, it was raining a lot and roads became muddy with big water puddles. We had to stop a few times to take a tree off the road, and analyze the deep of the water in order to find the best path to not get stuck. It took us 3 hours to reach the village where the little walk starts off to go to the waterfalls.

We got off our private bus and started hiking through the jungle with flip-flops for some of us ;). I climbed a little bit upper of the waterfall for a view point. It was not really worth it. The waterfall was amazing — not comparable to the Niagara Falls obviously, but it was actually awesome to be able to swim.

9 bridges to cross. some of them were not real bridges ^^
flip-flops were not really a good idea actually
Still standing ahha

Bencé, Bismark and I walked backwards little steps by steps till the end of the waterfall. It was IMPOSSIBLE to walk ahead because your face gets strongly slapped by the water and you can’t keep opening your eyes ^^. We got hurt by the water that was strongly blowing by the wind. Videos speak for themselves, you’ll realize how tough it was to reach the end of the waterfall.

Like warriors
Had fun under this waterfall :)
Be strong while stepping backwards
Big puddle of water

After 30 minutes drive, we had to turn around in the middle of the road, impossible to ride on ^^ !

My last 3 baths were taken in a waterfall, hotel without hot water and swimming-pool over the night .. I can’t wait to take a real shower in my new room :)!

Week-end is over: almost 20 hours spent on roads, amazing sightseeing and so much fun !!

To be honest, time for writing is challenging but I try to keep you updated on what’s going on here :)


